About the VHTRC

The Virginia Happy Trails Running Club promotes runnng on dirt in the Washington, DC, area.

VHTRC logo

The Virginia Happy Trails Running Club is composed of people who like to run on dirt trails. Though based in Northern Virginia, most club members live within the Metropolitan DC area, with several others scattered in many other states. The club members are of varying running abilities and ages. Many run ultramarathons, but some don’t run at all.

The club puts on four major events each year — the Hashawha Hills 50 km in February the Bull Run Run 50 Miler in April, the Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 Miler in May, and the Women’s Trail Half Marathon in September. While each of these events has an entry fee, VHTRC members also organize several low profile, no fee runs that are open to anyone. Organized training runs occur irregularly. The club does not sponsor a formal training program.

The club is run informally. We have no newsletter. Information about the club’s activities is coordinated and organized through this Web site.

The VHTRC is affiliated with the Road Runners Club of America.

Financial documents

The VHTRC is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and, as required by Federal law, files annually IRS Form 990 disclosing our finances. These forms from the last ten years are available below.

Annual operating budgets prepared by the Treasurer.

Oldies but goodies

The club has evolved a lot over a quarter century. Read tales from the “good old days.”

Last updated March 3, 2025