Minutes from March 11, 2010 Board Meeting
These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on March 11, 2010. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.
Meeting held at Paul Blackman's home.
Called to order: 7:21 pm
Adjourned: 10:47 pm
Board members present: Anstr Davidson, Ed Demoney, Paul Blackman, Alan Gowen
Others present: Mel Saraniero (WHM RD), Stan Duobinis (MMT RD)
New business
The Board met at the home of Director Paul Blackman, all present except for Quatro Hubbard, with the meeting starting at 7:21 p.m. RDs Mel Saraniero and Stan Duobinis were also present to discuss the status and budgets for the events.
MMT-100: Most of the work has been accomplished with practically all MMT information already posted on the web site. An aid station captain is still needed at Shawl Gap (37.6 miles) which is open from 11:20 a.m. to 7 p.m. Two trucks will be used for support this year. Post race food has not yet been determined. Not too many people are staying at Caroline Furnace Camp (CFC) to date. Projected profit for MMT is $2,000. Radio communications should be easier for the new course. No internet or cell phone support is available at CFC to date. One issue is CFC clean-up and storage of equipment. (The Board later suggested that these tasks be assigned to specific volunteers to assure completion in an orderly manner.) The benefits of the entry system were again discussed with the RD expressing a desire not to change it.
WHM: Great feedback was received from participants in a survey after the 2009 WHM. Runners enjoyed the t-shirts, did not require much aid station support due to the short distance of the race and enjoyed the fruit and other food provided at the finish more than the pizza provided in prior events. Consideration is being given to not providing much more aid other than water and gels. Nothing special will be done in 2010 with respect to the Sep 11 connection. Bathrooms are something of an issue due to limited facilities with porta-johns under consideration for 2010. It was decided that one training run would be sufficient. T-shirts have not yet been selected for entrants. Hopefully, a wait list will not be necessary although this could be an issue as it was for BRR. Consideration is being given to “carrying stuffed animals” in 2010. A budget was circulated for review and comment. Beer mugs or wine glasses are inexpensive and a possibility for age group awards.
BRR: No problems with volunteers except Joe Malinowski will not be available at Fountainhead and someone is needed to greet finishers at the finish line when the RD is absent. (This need could exist at MMT as well.) There won’t be one big BRR “awards ceremony” this year. Rather, the RD will present awards to finishers about every 30 minutes. Radio support will be provided assistance in tracking runners with one runner volunteer assigned for coordination purposes. As with MMT, specific volunteers should be assigned to help with clean-up and equipment storage. The BRR budget was presented for review.
The term of membership was discussed in relation to membership fees paid to RRCA. The issue is that membership is at a high at the end of the year when fees are paid; however, there is normally a substantial drop in membership when current members to not renew. It was suggested that the membership year be ended on December 1 with non-renewing members dropped as of December 15. A refund will be possible if membership ends in 11 months rather than 12.
Another issue arises when membership fees are paid to RRCA. Names, addresses and email addresses of members are asked for by RRCA. The information is requested because all VHTRC members are RRCA members and RRCA uses the information for communication purposes and to provide its members with its publications, mail or online. RRCA does not disclose any address information to anyone else. President Gowen will check with RRCA to see if the requested information is required or optional.
VHTRC’s three major events are now listed on the RRCA calendar of events. Hashawha Hills will also be listed in the future; however, it is not now listed because it was in February but cancelled. Other VHTRC events, such as the Eagle Run or Potomac Heritage, are considered group and/or training runs and not listed on the RRCA calendar.
A draft budget for 2010 was presented, reviewed, and slightly modified.
VHTRC’s approach to events, large and small, will be discussed at the next meeting.
There was a discussion of “awkward situations” regarding entries to VHTRC events. It was agreed that entry rules will be enforced as published with no exceptions.
The Board will contact membership to obtain feedback on membership desires. Feedback is desired on such things as awards and social events. It was announced that the work party will be May 1. The Board will check with Director Hubbard regarding the location and date of the volunteers party.
There will be a report from the SWAG Committee at the next meeting. The committee will be requested to look into the cost of stickers and new shirts.
The next meeting date and place was not determined. It will probably be held after MMT. The meeting ended at 10:47 p.m.
Submitted by Ed Demoney.
Last updated December 16, 2019