Minutes from January 12, 2012 Board Meeting
These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on January 12, 2012. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.
Board members present: Alan Gowen, President; Anstr Davidson, Treasurer; Joe Clapper, Member; Ed Demoney, Member; Alisa Springman, Member
Old business
New business
I. Treasurer’s Report
Presented by Anstr Davidson with calculations made through September 30th
II. Budget Template
A $10,000 budget to spend in the coming year that does not include the purchase of club branded apparel that is sold by Quatro Hubbard on a not-for-profit basis.
- Purchase of Vests for Volunteers to be worn at VHTRC events
- Anstr estimates a cost of $4 each for 200 vests
- Board supports this purchase, Anstr will order green vests with front pocket for name card, eliminating need to create separate name tags for each event
- Funds Allocated for VHTRC events
- Individuals in charge of each event will be contacted to discuss budgets for 2012
- Events may be required to supply a general line item budget about how money was spent
- Discussion of need for 1099 tax forms to be distributed to those RDs who receive checks > $600. Anstr will check tax law to make sure VHTRC does not need to do this
- Free Membership Renewal for VHTRC volunteers
- Amounted to $1,260 in most recent membership renewal round
- Motion made to keep free renewal, seconded, unanimously approved
- Budget Item to be Established for Park / Forest Improvement Project
- VHTRC Board wishes to give back to the trails, parks, forest and wilderness areas we routinely use
- Rather than make general donations, a fund will be established and monies distributed when a clear need / project has been definitively identified
- Missing Budget Item
- Improvements for MMT Start/Finish at Caroline Lutheran Camp need to be included in budget (electric, grill for post-race food)
III. Bull Run Run Update
- $5 increase in entry fee – may be necessary. RD will submit updated budget to the board
- Award items are undecided
- Hooded Sweatshirt as a finishers award being considered
- Entry opens February 1st
- Scholarships will continue to be offered. RD, Anstr Davidson, will review and approve applicants
- Parking situation was reviewed at MGM with success. Preferential parking will still be given to those carpooling (>1 runner per car)
IV. Awards Party (update provided via email from emeritus board member, Quatro Hubbard)
- February 18th at Cabin John 6 to 9 pm
- Sophie Spiedel and Quatro will gather nominations, research nominations, coordinate voting and tabulate votes. Quatro will purchase awards this year, but not next.
- Joe Clapper will take over coordination of food for event. Bob Fabia has offered to help
V. Women’s Half Marathon
- Opening for the WHM Director to be posted as soon as possible on VHTRC website
- Directive for VHTRC race directors will be posted on website as information for potential candidates (to include specific instructions that shirt designs require board approval)
- September 8th, 2012 date set
- Pavillion is rented (paperwork submitted)
- New director will be given information about traditions associated with the event that the VHTRC wishes to continue
VI. Creation of Run Coordinator Position
- May be a board member or board member emeritus
- Position will be a clearinghouse for dates of events and as a point person for run organizers to contact regarding requests for money.
- Position will be responsible for presenting the difference between club and non-club events.
- Coordinator will tie all events together for better oversight
VII. Swag Committe
- The Swag Committee was discussed. Current Members: Keith Knipling, Quatro Hubbard, Pam Gowen, Bobby Gill and Mel Saraniero
- No decision was made about the Swag Committee.
- Alan will consult Quatro for his ideas and the board will revisit the issue with this new information.
- Anstr will initiate design search on website as soon as possible
VIII. Event Banners
- Goal is to have an event banner for each of the VHTRC “big three” events: BRR, MMT and WHM
- Board / membership will select an MMT logo before banners are ordered
Submitted by Alisa Springman.
Last updated December 16, 2019