Dancing on the rocks during the 2016 Reverse Ring.
Keith Knipling
The Ring
A clockwise tour of the 71-mile Massanutten Trail surrounding Fort Valley, VA.
- Date
- Sat Aug 30, 2025
- Start location
- Start time
- 7:00 am
- Distance
- 71 miles
- Total ascent/descent
- 13,500 feet
- Aid stations
- Milford Gap (13.3 miles)
- Camp Roosevelt (24.9 miles)
- Crisman Hollow Road (34.4 miles)
- Moreland Gap (40.7 miles)
- Edinburg Gap (48.7 miles)
- Woodstock Tower (56.9 miles)
- Powell's Fort Camp (62.4 miles)
- Entry
- Entry opens on Monday July 7, 2025 at 9:00 am. Entry will be limited to 60 runners.
- GPX file
- Print or download
- In charge
- Reports
- Course records
There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
The Ring

The Ring is a circuit of the entire 71-mile orange-blazed Massanutten Trail in the George Washington National Forest, on the ridgelines of the eastern and western ranges of the Massanutten Mountains around the Fort Valley, situated roughly between the towns of Front Royal and Luray. The “trail” is hard, rocky, and slow. Sections of the trail have been around for centuries, but the entire, uninterrupted, 71-mile Massanutten Trail was not completed until 2002.
Even before the trail could be officially dedicated in the summer of 2002, Chris Scott convinced a reluctant Anstr Davidson that they had to be the first to run the entire Massanutten Trail. Having beaten others to the glory of christening the trail when they completed that initial circuit run in April of that year, Anstr and Chris were then kind enough to serve as the hosts for the first organized running of The Ring in the fall of 2002 (for others foolish enough not to heed their warnings that a sane person would not really want to do this run). Over the next four years the Lords of The Ring continued to induct new members into the Fellowship of the Ring. After a one-year sabbatical in 2006, The Ring returned in search of more victims, but under two new Ring Leaders. Chris and Anstr passed the burden on to Mike Bur and Quatro Hubbard, who remained in charge of this Flying Circus until 2024. Daisy Weill and Lauren Gabler are now in charge; look for them to bring new energy and direction to correct the erroneous ways of the boys who preceded them.
The Ring is a typical fat ass run in that there are no entry fees, no significant awards, and no t-shirts. The support from this race comes from the generous sponsorship of the VHTRC, and the often over-the-top generosity of the incredible cadre of club volunteers who turn out to help. Entrants in other Fat Ass events are generally admonished that there will be no wimps and no whiners. In this instance, just choosing to start The Ring proves you are not a wimp, and everyone whines at the end. And we mean EVERYONE! We would be disappointed if it appeared as though the runners were actually having fun. So when it gets to be your turn to whine about how badly Signal Knob sucks, or how much you loathe rocks, spiders, bugs, humidity, heat, etc., try to be at least a little bit creative.
Important Notes On The Course
A public route on Strava using The Ring .gpx file
Milford Gap (Mile 13.3)
There will be some aid at the Milford Gap crossing of the trail (mile 13.3). This will be mostly a water pit stop for the runners.
Important: The biggest mistake runners make is getting behind in their fluids early, so take full advantage of this water stop in the middle of the opening 25-mile stretch of The Ring. Drink fluids here before filling up your pack for the next section. So many runners over the years have failed to keep up with their fluids during these morning hours only to find themselves in a run-ending deficit by the time they pull into Roosevelt (or Crisman or Moreland on down the trail).
Do not be shy in tanking up at Milford! And do not forget to thank the wonderful volunteers who hike all that aid up a rocky access trail to make it available to you.
Camp Roosevelt (Mile 25)
The first full aid station, where you will encounter your roving runner bag, will be at Camp Roosevelt at mile 25, so plan accordingly. The other official checkpoints are listed below, and if all goes according to plan, your runner bag will be waiting for you at each of them (through Edinburg).
Location of aid station: One VERY important note about the aid station at Camp Roosevelt: it is NOT on the orange trail! The Massanutten Trail, after it descends from Kennedy Peak and also from a lovely view at the top of Route 675 at Edith Gap, emerges from a horse parking lot back on to the paved Route 675. While the trail crosses the road to continue into Duncan Hollow, you will need to follow some streamers down the road about 150 yards or so and then into the aid station, which is set up under a large wooden shelter adjacent to the Camp Roosevelt camp grounds.
Leaving Camp Roosevelt: After you finish with your visit to the Camp Roosevelt aid station, you will then run back up the road roughly 150 yards to pick up the trailhead on what will now be on the right-hand side of the road. Do NOT miss this aid station! Your .gpx track should lead you into it, but again, follow those streamers down and back up the road for your aid.
Woodstock Tower (Mile 56.9)
New in 2024: Instead of seeing your roving drop bag at Woodstock, you will have access to a second drop bag at this aid station (more details in the next section). Please read the Drop Bags section carefully so you can plan accordingly!
Hard Cut-Offs
There are three hard cut-offs at The Ring:
● Moreland Gap (Mile 40.7): 9:30 p.m.
● Edinburg Gap (Mile 48.7): 1:30 a.m.
● Woodstock Tower (Mile 56.9): 6 a.m. (and last runner drop bag aid station)
We hope that these cut-offs will put you on pace to get through Powells Fort Camp before 8:00 am and then on to the finish before noon on Sunday (a 29 hour pace for the 71 miles). While there are no hard cut-offs at the earlier aid stations, runners who have successfully made the formal cut-offs and finished the race should expect to make their way through Camp Roosevelt prior to 3:30 pm and through Crisman Hollow Road at the southern end of the course before 7:30 pm.
These cut-offs are put in place for the benefit of the race volunteers, and they will be strictly enforced.
Drop Bags
New for 2024: This year, each runner will be allowed two well-marked drop bags:
Roving Bag: You’ll see this bag at multiple aid stations throughout the course. Be sure to clearly label it with your name and the word “ROVING.” This bag will be available at the following aid stations:
- Camp Roosevelt (Mile 24.9)
- Crisman Hollow (Mile 34.4)
- Moreland Gap (Mile 40.7)
- Edinburg Gap (Mile 48.7)
After you’ve passed Edinburg Gap, the Roving Bag will be transported to the Start/Finish area.
Woodstock Tower Bag: This bag is specifically for the Woodstock Tower aid station at mile 56.9. Label it with your name and the word “WOODSTOCK.”
You will not have access to a drop bag at Milford Gap (the first aid) nor at Powells Fort Camp (the last aid station). But you will have a drop bag at every aid station in between. After you make use of your drop bag at any particular aid station, and once you know you are done with it, please do NOT put it back with the other drop bags, but instead make a point of giving it to a volunteer. That way we can ensure it is included in the next volunteer shuttle out of that aid station and on to the next.
Those Pesky Qualifications
Entry is strictly limited to only those who meet the qualifications detailed below. Seriously. We check. So please don’t try to enter if you don’t meet these basic qualifications. This is a very challenging, unmarked race, and it is in no way the kind of events that someone fairly new to ultra trail racing in rocky, mountainous conditions should undertake. At least not under our watch!
In order to enter The Ring, you will need to demonstrate that you are “qualified” to run in this event. A runner who is already a member of The Fellowship obviously meets this requirement. Otherwise, we are just looking for runners to fall into one of the following two simple categories in order to gain entry into The Ring:
- Completion of a trail 50 miler AND recent experience on the Massanutten trails (e.g. “Massanutten Training Academy” MMT 100 training runs).
or - Completion of any 100-mile race.
Backcountry experience and the ability to read a map would be helpful since there will be no ribbons or glow sticks to follow, just the “native” trail markings (i.e. those orange-painted blazes on the trees). Carrying a course description and the PATC Map G is highly advisable (see link below). And if you are not downloading the gpx file as your first reference point to ensure that you stay on course, then what are we even doing here? Do NOT take this run for granted! Don’t be that person who thinks “how hard can this be? Follow those orange blazes around the valley for 71 miles - piece of cake!” If you are that person, carry extra provisions and water with you, and make sure your cell phone is full charged, so that when you do get off course, then you won’t suffer too badly or for too long.
Gaining Entry
Entry to The Ring will be on a first-come, first-punished basis and utilizes a waitlist. Entry is subject to review to ensure Those Pesky Qualifications have been met prior to approval.
****Thank you to our 2024 volunteers - this event is not possible without you!
Milford Gap
- Captain: Larry Tumblin
- Jamie Greenawalt
- Luc Claessens
- Carl Bligan
- Kevin Bligan
- Wayne Sheng
- Jose Gracias
Camp Roosevelt
- Captian: Barry Hauptman
- Heather Dougherty
- David Peppelman
- Carl Bligan
- Kevin Bligan
- Wayne Sheng
Chrisman Hollow
- Captain: Elaina Staunton
- Christian Staunton
- Wayne Sheng
- Jose Cardenas
- Allie Vazquez
Moreland Gap
- Captain: Tom Simonds
- Larry Watson II
- Alisa Springman
- Jim Daniels
- Jayme Dubinsky
Edinburg Gap
- Captain: Michael Gildea
- Melissa Gildea
- Karl Barrus
- Karen Wille
- Homer Komthirath
Woodstock Tower
- Captain: Jeffrey Best
- Rob Tidwell
- Scott Cadle
Powell’s Fort Camp
- Captain: Quatro Hubbard
- Kim Herring
- Jeremy Herring
- Addie Welch
Signal Knob Cafe
- Captain: Tracy Cooley
- Laura Berlin
- Homer Komthirath
- Jeni Dwyer
- Addie Welch

Unless you know the course well, we recommend that you obtain Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) map G. These are topographic maps that cover the trails in the Massanutten Mountains north of US 211) and are printed on water-resistant, tear-resistance synthetic stock in six colors.
You can order on the PATC Web site.
Map G is also available at REI.
Other Resources
- Reports by Chris and Anstr on their inaugural April 2002 run
- Kimba Love-Ottobre’s 2015 blog post: How to Run “The Ring”
Jim Harris continues in his role as the historian for The Ring and the Reverse Ring. His file with accumulated historic data can be viewed from the “Historical Data” link on the left side of this page. Jim helpfully provides the following synopsis of the results from The Ring and Reverse Ring (through the end of 2023):
“These Numbers are suspect …
421 runners have been out to Fort Valley to run our favorite Orange Loop.
Those 421 Runners have accumulated 61,112 miles.
119 have never finished the loop, with 147 total failed attempts for those individuals.
153 have never failed, with 60 of them having more than one finish.
11 individuals have been there 10 or more times.”
Heather Dougherty has also shared a Ring & Reverse Ring Results Google Sheet, with several tabs that display some interesting charts and raw data, for those of who love to wallow in that much more information about our favorite Orange Trail!
The Fellowship of The Ring
The Fellowship of The Ring — those who have previously completed The Ring — currently consists of 266 members. Previously, the best part of being a member of The Fellowship was that, unless you were the first finisher the year before, you were not eligible to run The Ring again. That original rule prohibiting recidivism has been eliminated. If you have run The Ring in previous years, you are now welcome to come back and inflict all of this punishment on yourself again. Though based on the reactions to their experience, many runners clearly wish that they could once again be formally prohibited from ever running The Ring again.
The selective amnesia of most trail runners is an amazing thing to behold. Virtually every finisher touches on these three themes before they drift off to sleep after completing their 71-mile run: the aid stations and volunteers were great; the finishing descent down Signal Knob sucks; and thank goodness that this is done, so that I never have to do it again. Yet somehow many do return to beat themselves up on the rocky Massanutten Trail yet again.
Now the best part of being in The Fellowship is that only its members are eligible to run the Reverse Ring in late February, when they can become a Master of The Ring. So plan ahead for 2025! Get this prerequisite course completed in 2024 so that you will be eligible to come back and play on the same beautiful trail in the middle of the winter, which is when it really shines.
A final, and special note: there are to date only two “Bad A** M-F’ers of The Ring;” two runners who took on the Ultimate Ring Challenge. Cam Baker and Kathleen Cusick have both successfully completed The Double Ring. This involved heading off on Friday to do the Reverse Ring, followed by finishing in time to join their compatriots for The Ring at the usual 7 AM start time on the Saturday. Both then finished The Ring, capping off their 140+ mile weekend journeys in both directions around the Fort Valley on the orange-blazed Massanutten Trail.
The Lords of the Ring
- Anstr Davidson
- Chris Scott
The Class of 2002 (6)
- Harry Bruell
- Scott Mills
- David Horton
- Bethany (Hunter) Patterson
- John Dodds
- Gary Knipling
The Class of 2003 (9)
- Ryan Henry
- Randy Dietz
- Jaret Seiberg
- Steve Pero
- Deb Pero
- Mike Dobies
- Alex Papadopoulos
- Bill Turrentine
- Ed Demoney
The Class of 2004 (15)
- Sue Johnston
- Scott Brockmeier
- Mike Bur
- Scott Crabb
- Bill Wandel
- Quatro Hubbard
- Sophie Speidel
- Margie Hughes
- Anita Finkle
- Barb Isom
- Vicki Kendall
- Dru Sexton
- Graham Zollman
- Bob Phillips
- Carolyn Gernand
The Class of 2005 (12)
- Jeff Wilbur
- Steve Burton
- Mike Broderick
- Greg Loomis
- Tom Corris
- Kerry Owens
- Ed Cappuccino
- Bill Gentry
- Bill Losey
- John DeWalt
- Bob Combs
- Jeff Washburn
[No event in 2006]
The Class of 2007 (10)
- Mike Schuster
- Joe Clapper
- Jim Harris
- Diana Widdowson
- Debbie Shaffer
- David Snipes
- John Straub
- Teresa Sukiennicki
- John Prohira
- Gerard Pritulski
The Class of 2008 (9)
- Keith Knipling
- Jon Norris
- Dave Garman
- Bryan Banning
- Frank Probst
- Bob Anderson
- Jen Jacobs
- Alan Roche
- Mark Mckennett
The Class of 2009 (12)
- Sean Andrish
- Dan Rose
- Justin Faul
- Mason Parker
- Ryan Fulwider
- Karsten Brown
- Zsuzsanna Carlson
- Paul Crickard
- Marti Kovener
- Gary Lukacs
- Robert Andrulis
- Caroline Williams
The Class of 2010 (13)
- Jack Kurisky
- Dave Yeakel
- Ernesto Casarez
- Elise Harrington
- Rhonda Stricklett
- Alan Gowen
- John Godinet
- Scott Millar
- Gary Maier
- Rick Moyer
- Jill (Devereaux Jacobs) Diss
- Carolyn Wilson
- Kim Love-Ottobre
The Class of 2011 (8)
- Rande Brown
- Cam Baker (Double Ring!!)
- Kari Brown
- Jeff Best
- Yukiko Nishide
- Hiroyuki Nishide
- Brian Beduhn
- Jeff Gura
The Class of 2012 (11)
- Danny Mowers
- Kent Gallup
- Matt Smythe
- Ken Wolters
- Gray Weaver
- Ed Rangel
- Charlie Joyce
- Stephen Cooper
- Larry Huffman
- David Quivey
- Doug Sullivan
The Class of 2013 (15)
- Brad Hinton
- Jack Anderson
- John Cassilly
- Joe Schramka
- Kathleen Cusick (Double Ring!!)
- Jay Finkle
- Paul Lefelhocz
- Ron Eshleman
- Michael Gildea
- Tony Escobar
- Mitchell Potter
- Diane Behm
- Shelly Cable
- Todd Hanks
- KC Guevara
The Class of 2014 (14)
- Chris McIntosh
- Grace (Evan) Fisher
- Robin Watkins
- Gavin Watson
- Mike Sutherland
- Heath Harris
- Dave Herring
- Irawan Balcet
- Steve Boutilier
- Gaynor Bourgeois
- Tom Hendell
- Leonard Martin
- Rachel DuBois
- Katie Raezer
The Class of 2015 (21)
- Joey Cohen
- Angela Russell
- Erik Price
- Andrew Simpson
- Chris Pabian
- Aaron Ellison
- Eric McGlinchey
- Scott Lee
- Daniel Winkle
- Bruce Tweedie
- Greg Trapp
- Stephanie Dempsey
- Betsy Nickle
- Carol Cohen
- Todd Lewis
- Gilbert Gray
- Katie Keier
- Jen Page
- Bob Gaylord
- Andrew Thomas
- Sarah Curtis
The Class of 2016 (24)
- Jake Rankinen
- Jeff Garstecki
- Eric Harris
- Levi Mason
- Patrick Vaughn
- Danny Rogers
- Rick Bennett
- Larry Watson II
- Michal Kawecki
- Lara Zoeller
- Casey Fisher
- Adeline Ntam
- Philip Yeager
- Dave Woll
- Alvin Lee
- John Fitz
- Rob Kolb
- Dan Aghdam
- Marty Fox
- Guy Towler
- Don Riley
- Ed Walsh
- Jayme Dubinsky
- Chris Miller
The Class of 2017 (32!)
- Adam Watkins
- Christopher Moore
- George Sefzik
- Paul Jacobs
- Sheila Vibert Martin
- Jesse Fuller
- Todd Ellick
- Ronald Green
- Brett Martin
- Doug Massengale
- Adam Katkhouda
- Andy Peterson
- Josh Wadlington
- Josh Jones
- Rob Tidwell
- Justin Peake
- Andrew Burnette
- Dan Hawk
- Jeff Pence
- Samantha (Pitts-Kiefer) Neakrase
- Ashley Carr
- Brian Carr
- Brian Chiles
- Kathy Hoegler
- Larry Tumblin
- Hillary Peabody
- Richard Sisson
- Kelly Fletcher
- Judith Weber
- Ken Furman
- Joyce Fendley
- Jamie Greenawalt
The Class of 2018 (29)
- Dan Fogg
- John Marciari
- Matt Christovich
- Michael McDonnell
- Jose Cardenas
- Daisy Weill
- Ryan Brown
- Josh Howe
- Charlene Howard
- Jim Lopez
- Barry Hauptman
- Paul Valenzuela
- Dawn Gray
- Steve Andrews
- Jimm Ouellette
- Homer Komthirath
- Jesse Parker
- Derek Fox
- James Miller
- Stephanie Fonda
- Mandy Pierce
- Dani Seiss
- Kurt Byrnes
- Jason Maruccio
- Jeffrey Klemm
- Elsa Araujo
- Jon Jester
- Amanda Lichy
- Lisa Johnston
The Class of 2019 (18)
- Jeremy Lucier
- Christie Taylor
- Heather Dougherty
- Ryan Nebel
- Matt Banning
- Carl Bligan
- Michael Zinn
- Raymond Rogers
- William Fallier
- Jason Farr
- Luc Claessens
- Daniel Gracias
- David Peppelman
- Kevin Walker
- Travis Bertram
- Lou Brooks
- Derek Kennedy
- Sirisha Golla
The Class of 2021 (15)
[no official race in 2020]
- Barrett Stanton
- Michael Roberts
- Dirk Schulze
- Brian Collins
- Keith VanGraafeiland
- Charles Salsgiver
- Blair Petrilli
- Emily Warner
- Aaron Bloom
- Barbara McMullen
- Michael Salsgiver
- Tony Taylor
- John Hord
- John Calabrese
- Sue Heineman
The Class of 2022 (9)
- Tristan Baxendale
- Tommy Diehl
- Matt Burke
- Chad Cato
- Ali Mohammed
- Michelle Rindos
- AJ Johnson
- Nick Schuster
- Wayne Sheng
The Class of 2023 (13)
- Anthony Wolosik
- Bradley Hawley
- James Fogg
- Nathan Wick
- Johnny Lyons
- Steven Hanson
- Zach Weinberger
- Erin Altemos
- Dani Sevel
- Ron Ely
- Tonnie Warfield
- Nick Neakrase
- Josh Nunez
The Class of 2024 (13)
- Peyton Adams
- Keavy Baylor
- Christopher Flint
- Jonathan Gonzalez
- Charlie King
- Matthew Kornegay
- Ivory Lira
- Cara Mason
- Jacqueline Milzman
- Jack Nguyen
- Adam Rasmussen
- Changyou Shi
- Siqi Wu
Last updated February 3, 2025
Club Event Participant Medical Policy
This is an event with very real risks to your well being. The VHTRC does not provide medical care for runners at this event. Runners are responsible for their own health, safety, and well being at this event. No doctors, nurses, or emergency medical technicians, or anyone with any medical training are available along the course, at any aid station, or at the finish. The club does not supply any medical goods or services, including bandages, splints, antiseptic, or Ibuprofen or any other drugs to maintain the health of runners. Physical, medical, and emergency care is the runners' responsibility. In case of an emergency, we will endeavor to get local emergency personnel to an injured runner as soon as possible. Since most of our events are in remote areas, medical care may be far away in distance or time. Each year, runners finish — or are forced to drop out — with scrapes, deep cuts, hematomas, dislocations, and sprains. Runners have experienced cuts, bruises, bee stings, and asthma attacks. This is an event with very real risks.