Minutes from September 21, 2020 Board Meeting
These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on September 21, 2020. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.
Meeting held by video conference.
Called to order: 7:35 pm
Adjourned: 9:10 pm
Board members present: Tracy Dahl, Bob Gaylord, Keith Knipling, Tom McNulty, Sheila Vibert
Others present: Mike Bur, Sarah Curtis, Quatro Hubbard
New business
Quad State Quad Buster, in discussion with RD Mike Bur
Mike discussed with the Board the logistics of holding the event, which is scheduled for October 17. QSQB has always been a limited-entry event and the Board decided that the run was doable, with the main concern being the shuttle from Weverton to the start in Pen Mar, which concentrates runners in a few vehicles. After discussion, it was decided that a shuttle should not be provided and, instead, all runners should provide their own transportation to the start. Bob moved that Mike be designated as a point-of-contact for an informal QSQB run with appropriate precautions for COVID. The motion was seconded by Tom. The motion was approved, with Tracy voting no.
October 50k in Prince William Forest Park, in discussion with RD Sarah Curtis and Quatro Hubbard
Sarah and Quatro presented a plan for a low-key alternative to the cancelled PB&J 50k. The event would be held on October 17. They propose a six-mile loop with runners self-supporting from their cars parked at Telegraph Road Pavilion. The VHTRC will provide no aid, but would provide financial support for a permit and pavilion rental, if needed. Bob motioned that the VHTRC Board approve this proposed run and Sheila seconded the motion. The motion was approved, with Tracy voting no.
AdventureLinks and Hemlock
AdventureLinks is reportedly leaving Hemlock at the end of the year. This potentially affects BRR, MGM, and the storage trailer. Furthermore, BRR paid a $3,175 deposit to AdventureLinks which was supposed to be rolled over to the 2021. Quatro will reach out to his contacts at AdventureLinks and see what the story is and what needs to be done about the storage trailer and the BRR deposit.
Additional hats and neck gaiters
The recent order of BOCO hats and visors has been very popular, and Quatro proposed ordering additional BOCO Run Hats. Bob made the motion to order 150 additional hats, which was seconded by Keith. The motion carried unanimously. Ordering neck gaiters was also discussed, and Keith will work with BOCO and Quatro will work with Buff on designs.
Membership system
Aaron joined the call to discuss the membership system, in particular the coupon codes for free memberships based on volunteerism. The Board also discussed extending membership terms by one year because of COVID. Keith made the motion that anyone who was a member of the club on March 1, 2020, will automatically have their membership expiration date extended by one year. Bob seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Virtual Potomac Heritage Run
A virtual run on the Potomac Heritage course was discussed. It was proposed that this be a virtual event with people encouraged to run a posted route anytime in November. This might be integrated into the Strava group. Keith motioned that the VHTRC sponsor this virtual PHT. Bob seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Social media online presence
The Board discussed Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Strava, and Garmin Connect. Keith motioned that these VHTRC accounts/communities be considered official club entities, managed in part by a representative from the Board. Tom will serve as that Board representative. Bob seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Submitted by Keith Knipling. Minutes approved by email on September 28, 2020.
Last updated September 29, 2020