FAQs for Membership

Last updated September 2007


What are the dues?
Dues are $15 per year.
How long will my membership last?
Your membership will last either 12 months or 24 months.
May I join for longer than one year?
Yes. You may join for two years. The fee is $30. Realize, however, that if you join for two years, you cannot avail yourself of free membership for volunteers during your second year.


Is there a special rate for spouses or significant others?
Yes. Two people who live at the same address in any kind of “relationship” may join for a total of $20. Each will have a separate membership record. The first pays $15, the second $5.
Does my spouse have to join?
No, most spouses don’t. If your spouse does not run with the club regularly, just list him or her as your “significant other” on your membership application. She or he will be welcome at all events and can run with us. She or he will not, however, be a “member” for purposes of awards or teams at races, will not appear on the VHTRC birthday list, and will not have a separate membership record.
What about other family members?
There is no “family membership” category. You can, however, add as many people in your family as you want for $5 each if they live at your address. Again, you only have to do this if they want separate records or want to be considered “VHTRC members” for such purposes as awards or team membership.
How does a spouse or family member join?
Each member must go through the membership process separately since each must agree to the waiver. After the first family member joins as a regular member, all others wishing to join under that membership should start the membership process and elect a spouse membership. Each applicant for membership, regardless of status, must go through the membership process separately.


What does renewal cost?
$15 per person. “Significant others” may pay $5 on renewal. You may also renew for two years at $30, or $10 for significant others.

The Volunteer Options

Can renewal be free?
Yes. A one year renewal is free for any person who, during the 12 month prior to renewing, has volunteered at any of our three races — Hashawah Hills, BRR, MMT, or the Women’s Half Marathon, (2) participated in the trail work party, or (3) managed an official VHTRC event.
Is there a lot of paperwork to get the free renewal? Does someone have to sign my form?
No on both counts. When renewing, merely use the renewal coupon code.
Will you check up on people who claim that they have volunteered?
Probably not. We trust you. It’s only $15. But we don’t promise we won’t check up.
What if I volunteer elsewhere? Can I work on another event or for a charity?
Yes, but it does not get you free renewal. The point of this option is to recognize your contribution to the races that fund the club. It is silly for you to work your butt off at one of our races, have us make money at the event, and then ask you to pay $15. The free renewal option is not about being a “do gooder.” It is a simple acknowledgment of how the club funds its operations and your contribution to those funds as a volunteer.
Will there be a distinction between members who volunteer and those who don’t?
No. There will be no public designation on the club roster of who qualified for the free membership. We don’t expect or even want everyone to volunteer. If you can, great. If you can’t, that is ok too. It is not a big deal.
What about spouses/significant others?
Each person must qualify separately to obtain the free renewal. If two or more people joined under the $5 spouse rate and not all qualify for free renewal, then there must be at least one $15 renewal in the household.
How much work do I have to do to qualify for free renewal? What if I came out to work but the people in charge had little for me to do?
There is no minimum amount of work you have to do. If you went to the event because you arranged ahead of time to volunteer, then that qualifies even if you didn’t do much work. If you were at the event anyway, and said on the spur of the moment, “Can I help?” and the answer was “No” that does not qualify.
I worked at a “fat ass” event. Do I qualify for the exception?
Probably not. The point of the dues exception is a recognition of your contribution to the money that the club raised in place of your dues. Fat ass events don’t raise money. They are important and raise the visibility of the club. You can only get the dues exception for managing an official VHTRC “fat ass” event (one with the Furbutt logo on the event calendar) or if you had a major high-level role in such an event.
Can I join the club in the first place for free if I am a volunteer?
No. The volunteer exception only works on renewal. Historically, the club has rarely granted free membership to anyone. In the beginning, the founders of the club each chipped in $50 to get things started and pledged to pay dues themselves. So everyone still has to pay dues one time.
I joined last year for two years. Can I get a refund on the second year of my dues if I volunteered?
Doesn’t the club lose a lot of money this way?
No. Member dues are not a major source of income for the club. Most of our money comes from profits at the races we put on. We have always tried to have reasonable entry fees, supply good stuff for the runners, give refunds, and award scholarships, but we have still made money. The only reason we can make money is the free labor we get from volunteers. There has been plenty of money to fund the small drop in income from this policy.

Last updated March 5, 2024