Minutes from August 22, 2018 Board Meeting

These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on August 22, 2018. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.

Meeting held at Bob Gaylord's home.

Called to order: 6:35 pm

Adjourned: 8:32 pm

Board members present: Bob Gaylord, Dan Aghdam, Tracy Dahl, and Keith Knipling

Others present: Quatro Hubbard and Kevin Sayers; John Stacy (by phone)

Old business


New business

Regional Trail Coalition

  • The President updated the Board on the Regional Trail Coalition and briefly discussed the Letter of Support to the NVRPA supporting a grant for trail sustainability work.

Trail work

  • Dan Aghdam and John Stacy facilitated a discussion of trail work moving forward. The following motions were made, seconded and unanimously carried.
  • A web page will be developed as part of the VHTRC website to be used as a resource for events, equipment, information, safety and links to trail work sites. (John Stacy to provide content; Keith K. to develop the page.)
  • Use of the VHTRC website scheduling tool for trail work events. (John Stacy content; Keith K. to execute use of tool)
  • Establish the Volunteer position of Trail Work Coordinator and seek volunteer. (John Stacy agreed to be the interim TWC. Dan Aghdam has lead for finding volunteer.)
  • Trail work volunteers will get early-bird entry to VHTRC FatAss runs after 12 hours of work is completed, or three (3) work party trips.
  • Limited trail work equipment purchases will be budget for and purchased in 2019 based on a list to be provided by John Stacy (or future Trail Work Coordinator) and approved by the Board.

MMT report

  • Kevin Sayers (MMT RD) facilitated a discussion of MMT 2018 and made numerous recommendations for improvements. The Board congratulated, and expressed appreciation to, Kevin and the dedicated volunteer force he lead for another outstanding execution of MMT 100. The following motions were made, seconded and voted as noted below.
  • Increase entrants from 208 to 214. (Approved; Unanimous)
  • Increase entry fee from $185 to $205 deferred to another Board Meeting to be held within 30 days. (Approved; Bob G. voted to not defer question)
  • Change course length from 103.7 to 100.3 by eliminating second Jawbone and Mooreland Gap Rd, and adding Crisman Hollow Rd from Gap Creek to Finish. (Approved; Keith K. voted no)
  • Decrease final cutoff finish time from 36 to 35 hours. (Approved. Unanimous)
  • Seek finish line volunteers for external sources (RD in negotiating with Boy Scouts). (Approved. Unanimous). Dan Aghdam requested feedback from the RD’s negotiation with the BSA troop leadership on liability insurance (to ensure VHTRC is protected) and BSA rules should the youth be in proximity to strong language and adult consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Event timing

  • The Board then discussed event timing and entry process at the three major races (MMT, BRR, and WHM). The current system is being replaced due to the retirement of Anstr Davidson and his seasoned team who have been generously donating their time, energy and expertise for many years. It was agreed that each race may use the system and process the respective RD believes best achieves their requirements due to the unique characteristics of each race. The Board would not at this point mandate any particular system or process since each race director was inclined to try a different approach. The Board will continue to research and evaluate various systems and vendors, as well as seek volunteers within VHTRC to take over timing.

Event signage

  • Keith Knipling briefly raised the issue of consistency in signage and agreed to continue to develop a recommendation.

Other business

Additional Post Meeting Board Votes

Vote 1

Tracy Dahl moved by Aug 22, 2018 email to 1) allow the WHM RD to test out a proof of concept on timing at the Sep 2018 WHM; and 2) hold a special-purpose telephone vote on the MMT entry fee within the next 7 days, with date and time dictated by the board’s and Kevin’s availability as indicated in a Doodle poll. (Motion seconded and carried unanimously).

Vote 2

Keith Knipling moved by Aug 30, 2018 email to 1) permit Quatro and me to upload the public Ring entrants list to a private URL on “Webscorer”so that it can be downloaded to peoples’ phones for testing this weekend at the Ring; and 2) approve me to purchase “Webscorer PRO” for a $50 fee. (Motion seconded and carried unanimously.)

Vote 3

In accordance with Vote 1 above under Additional Post Meeting Board Votes, a telephonic single topic board meeting was held 8-830pm Aug 28, 2018 with all Board Members present in addition to Kevin Sayers, Race Director, to vote on the MMT entry fee. It was moved and seconded to approve the Race Director’s request for increase in MMT 100 entry fee from $185 to $205 plus any third party transaction fee. (Approved; Keith K. voted no).

Submitted by Robert E Gaylord. Minutes approved by email on October 21, 2018.

Last updated December 16, 2019