VHTRC Event Definition

A “VHTRC event” is a run or activity that belongs to the club. The club is responsible for it. Any profits from the event go to the club and, generally, any financial support of the event comes from the club. The club decides to put it on, to schedule it, approves its budget, and decides whether to make any significant changes to it. The club picks or approves the management of the event.

While the club owns its events, and the events should reflect the club brand, the member in charge has great discretion in conducting the event. Neither the club nor the board manages the event. Most events need little intervention by the club after they become established and have a track record.

The club has a few, simple, rules that apply to all of its events. These rules include (but are not limited to):

  1. All relevant club policies apply to the event.
  2. The event is identified as a “VHTRC event” on the club Web site.
  3. No commercial sponsorship without approval of the Board.
  4. Compliance with the rules of the government entity that owns the trail; and
  5. Transparency for applicants and runners in the entry process, the run, and results.

Ownership of a VHTRC event is most obvious when the event management changes. The current management can suggest a replacement or can say, “I quit.” But the club must approve new management or decide not to continue the event. It is expected that club owned events will in part reflect the personality of the run director. The director is encouraged to put his or her individual stamp on the event he or she is managing. But that event still belongs to the club, reflects the club brand, conforms to the above rules, and the club retains final sanction of that event.

The VHTRC currently sponsors 4 races and 28 events. These are:

Last updated December 16, 2019