Minutes from October 24, 2016 Board Meeting

These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on October 24, 2016. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.

Meeting held by phone.

Board members present: Keith Knipling, Alan Gowen, Tom McNulty, and Dan Aghdam

New business

VHTRC “Trail Maintenance Team”

John Stacy is scheduling a planning meeting for the “Trail Maintenance Team” in early to mid November. He had asked for guidance from the Board on two things:

  • How should we deal with insurance?
  • Would the Club be willing to finance the purchase of about $500 worth of equipment (McLeods, rock bars, and hard hats).

These were discussed briefly, but no final decisions were made since not all members of the Board were present.

VHTRC Member Movie Night

Tom presented financial quotes for various options. The Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse and E Street Cinema have limited availability on weekend nights and are likely too expensive. A more viable alternative is to have the event at another facility and then rent movie projecting equipment. This would cost a minimum of $600, after paying for the meeting venue and the rental equipment. Tom will present more detailed quotes and specific options at a future meeting.

A discussion about when to hold the “Movie night” meeting followed. While we had envisioned a January/February time frame, this is very close to our Awards Party in early February. If the “Movie night” were held in the Fall, this would spread our “formal social” events more evenly throughout the year (Awards Party in February, Volunteers Party in August, “Movie night” in October). Alan suggested having it the Saturday night before Potomac Heritage. No final decisions were made on dates.

Awards Party: Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rob Colenso cannot coordinate the awards this year. If no one else from the club is willing to step forward, Keith said he could spearhead the awards this year. We will use similar award categories and voting procedures as in years past.

Storage Shed at Hemlock

For the past two years the VHTRC has rented a shed at Hemlock Overlook for the storage of BRR and WHM-related gear. The cost is $1200 per year. This was brought up for discussion but no final decisions were made since not all members of the Board were present.


Kevin spoke to Alan about increasing the entry fee for MMT. The Board requested a budget from the RD to justify the increased fee.

RDs on the Board

Dan brought up having RDs serve on the Board. We will discuss this at a future meeting.

Bull Run RD

Keith presented a proposed message to the VHTRC membership soliciting volunteers for the vacant BRR RD position. This will go out to the membership.

TWOT and MMB as VHTRC events

Discussion of this topic was deferred to a future meeting.

Submitted by Keith Knipling. Minutes approved by email on October 31, 2016.

Last updated December 16, 2019