Minutes from November 7, 2022 Board Meeting
These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on November 7, 2022. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.
Meeting held by video conference.
Called to order: 7:03 pm
Adjourned: 8:13 pm
Board members present: Tracy Dahl, Sara Davidson, Jon, Jester, Keith Knipling, Chelsea Smith
New business
Discussion of BRR
BRR RDs, Katie Keier and Quatro Hubbard, gave the Board an update on the race and requested a raise in entry fee, from $95 to $125. The new fee structure charged by Nova Parks now collects roughly 10% of total revenue, much more than before. In addition, inflation has increased substantially since the race entry fee was last changed. An increase in race entry fee requires a Board vote. Tracy motioned and Chelsea seconded that the entry fee be raised to $125. The motion was carried unanimously.
Katie Keier stayed on the call to discuss awards and the party. The venue has been booked and Katie will take care of doing the awards.
Minutes from prior meetings
The Board reviewed the minutes from the September 12, October 3, and October 26 meetings. Keith moved and Tracy seconded to approve the minutes. They were approved unanimously.
Promotion by Alex Papadopoulos on Club channels
Alex Papadopoulos is helping organize a Greek running tour, which he would like to promote on the VHTRC Facebook group. The Board discussed this and Jon agreed to get more information from Alex before making a final decision.
Upcoming events
Tracy acknowledged the Turkey Chase on November 24. Quatro should have the new VHTRC shirts by then and plans to unveil them there.
VHTRC 30th Anniversary
The Board discussed ways to celebrate for the club’s 30th anniversary. Sara will work on a logo, soliciting submissions from the club. Tracy will order racing cups.
Submitted by Keith Knipling.
Last updated December 5, 2022