Minutes from June 25, 2020 Board Meeting
These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on June 25, 2020. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.
Meeting held by video conference.
Called to order: 7:30 pm
Adjourned: 9:04 pm
Board members present: Tracy Dahl, Bob Gaylord, Keith Knipling, Tom McNulty, and Sheila Vibert
Others present: Dan Aghdam, Mike Bur, and Quatro Hubbard
New business
The Board discussed the possibility of holding upcoming events and races this summer in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The events included Catherine’s Fat Ass (scheduled for July 25), Martha Moats Baker 50 km (August 8), and The Ring (September 6). The directors for these events — Dan Aghdam, Mike Bur, and Quatro Hubbard — participated in the discussion. It was agreed by all that holding the July and August events were not prudent. Tracy motioned to cancel Catherine’s Fat Ass and Martha Moats Baker 50 km and to reconsider the The Ring and The Big Schloss, events in September, at another board meeting in late July. Tom and Bob seconded the motion. It was carried unanimously by the Board. Tracy agreed write a statement which will be posted to the website and announced on the email list-serve and Facebook.
Tracy led a discussion of the Women’s Half Marathon, scheduled for September 12. The Board voted unanimously to cancel the race for 2020.
A new set of guidances for event directors was reviewed. Keith motioned that the guidance be adopted and Bob seconded. The motion was carried unanimously by the Board.
Kirstin Corris is stepping down from directing The Big Schloss and recommended that Levi Mason and Cara Foley be the next RDs. After a short discussion, Keith made motion that Levi and Cara be made RDs of The Big Schloss. Bob seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously by the Board.
The Volunteers & Members Party was discussed. Bob motioned that the party be canceled this year. Tom seconded. The motion to cancel the party was carried unanimously by the Board.
Other business
The weekly training runs were discussed and it was decided that they will remain on hold.
Bob gave an update on the memorial benches for Ed Cacciapaglia.
The designs for new hats and visors were discussed, and should be ordered next week.
Submitted by Keith Knipling.
Last updated July 29, 2020