Minutes from February 7, 2022 Board Meeting

These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on February 7, 2022. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.

Meeting held by video conference.

Called to order: 8:03 pm

Adjourned: 9:30 pm

Board members present: Tracy Dahl, Jon Jester, Keith Knipling, Chelsea Smith, Will Weidman

Others present: Trevor Baine (Treasurer)

New business

2022 Budget

Trevor went over the budget for 2022. The club is projected to operate at a loss of $2,954, which is mainly a reflection of increased support for our free Events and also lost income from free memberships issued for COVID in 2021. This short-term operating loss is somewhat intentional, as the VHTRC has excess funds. The abuse of the volunteer code and its impact on dues income was also discussed. Keith motioned and Chelsea seconded that we approve the budget. The motion passed unanimously.

Election of a new President

A discussion of the President and other club officers followed. Jon made the motion and Will seconded that Keith be elected the President of the VHTRC. The motion passed unanimously.

Other Board officer positions

Other duties of the Board, with potential related officer positions, were discussed. These included:

  • Public lands liaison
  • Quartermaster
  • Events coordinator
  • Trail-work coordinator
  • Membership chair
  • Social media chair
  • RRCA renewals
  • Website development and maintenance

Will expressed interest in heading up membership and social media, Chelsea was interested in being the Quartermaster, Keith will coordinate trail work, and Tracy will continue handiling our free Events.

Sub-ultra trail run

Will is interested in establishing a sub-ultra trail running event. Venues were discussed, as well as related permitting requirements, and where such a run will fit on the calendar. The Board agreed it was a good idea and Will will pursue this further.

Informal runs

The Board discussed having more informal but organized meet-ups. The goal would be having meet-up leaders to manage the logistics and encourage participation. One idea proposed was to have a series of meet ups for a set duration (e.g. weekly for 8 weeks), culminating in an Event or challenge.

Discussion of the VHTRC

The meeting concluded with an informal discussion of what the mission of the VHTRC is, what it means to each Board member, what the club does well, and what things could use improvement.

Submitted by Keith Knipling.

Last updated March 14, 2022