Redeye 50 km

Get off on the right foot by averaging an ultra a day in the new year! Late 8:00 am start to let you work off any lingering hangover.

  • Thu Jan 1, 2026
Start location
Start time
  • 8:00 am
  • 31.7 miles
Aid stations
  1. Pine Grove Picnic Area (11.9 miles)
  2. Pine Grove Picnic Area (21.8 miles)
  • Entry opens on Monday December 1, 2025 at 9:00 am. Entry will be limited to 110 runners.
GPX file
Print or download
In charge
Course records
  • Michael Wardian
    4:17 (in 2020)
    Grace Fisher
    4:26:30 (in 2017)
500 m
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap | Map style: © Thunderforest


The course consists of three repeats of a roughly 10 mile loop. Terrain is primarily groomed forest trails, interspersed with two 1—3 mile section of rolling gravel roads. If you don’t like the recommended course, just run anywhere you want to — this is not a real event.

Redeye prologue loop
The Redeye starts at Pine Grove and begins with a 2.5 mile “prologue” loop on the Birch Bluff Trail (in yellow). Part of the main counter-clockwise loop is shown in blue.

The first loop features an initial “prologue” that extends the length of this leg of the overall course by nearly 2 miles, making it 11.9 miles in length. The prologue starts at the Pine Grove Picnic Area and takes 0.5 miles of pavement down to the Telegraph Road Pavilion. Runners then take a left onto the Birch Bluff Trail for a total of about 1.5 miles of trail down to the swinging bridge over Quantico Creek. From there, runners follow the 9 mile counter-clockwise loop on various trails and roads through PWFP, eventually ending up back at the bridge. It is then just 0.45 miles up the Laurel Trail to the start/finish at Pine Grove Picnic Area.

Red Eye RD Leigh Weil

For loops 2 and 3, simply return back down the Laurel Trail to the bridge, repeat the 9 mile counter-clockwise loop, and then return to Pine Grove Picnic Area. Each of these loops is 9.9 miles.

If you are unfamiliar with the route or Prince William Forest Park, you may wish to download a PDF map of the park.

If you are very familiar with the route, feel free to run it in either direction. It is marked to be run counter-clockwise, and that is the “official” direction, but reversing course for any of your three loops to run it clockwise is perfectly acceptable.


We will not generally hang a lot of streamers, but hope to mark the important turns. The trails are well-blazed. But there are a lot of them and it can be easy to end up on the wrong one if you don’t pay close attention at decision points. Download the GPX file and/or run with a friend. If you come to a trail intersection without any ribbons, you may be off course. In this case you may want to backtrack.

Traditionally, sweeps, or volunteers among the entrants, take the markings down during the third loop. So pay attention and learn the course on the first two loops, as there is a chance that you will be running it without the ribbons.


Aid Station Split Cumulative Map
Pine Grove Picnic Area 11.9 mi 11.9 mi
Pine Grove Picnic Area 9.9 mi 21.8 mi
The aid station spread
The aid station spread.

We will have the one unmanned aid station at the start/finish, which runners will access at the end of each loop. In keeping with the Team Slug tradition of this run, we ask that the runners contribute to the aid station, which usually then evolves into a small feast. This is your chance to get rid of that fruit cake your co-worker gave you. Bring enough for you and a couple of inconsiderate jerks who bring nothing. Don’t bring something for everyone. We generally have had to throw a lot of food away in previous years. Unopened leftovers are generally taken for use in a future VHTRC training run event in the mountains, but please help with cleanup by taking any leftover opened items home that may be of interest.

There are actual restrooms in the field above the main parking area, and another restroom adjacent to the visitor’s center. Both are traditionally heated, too! Roughly 7 miles into the loop, as you enter the Turkey Run Education Center area, there is also a restroom that should be open. It is on your left as you first encounter the buildings at TREC - if you go through a passageway and into a parking lot, you have just missed it. You can get water there if you need it.


Runners should be sure to check in before the race with RD Leigh. Check in again with her after each loop, and in particular let Leigh know when you have finished, should you bail prior to finishing the full 50 km.

Timing at the 2015 Redeye
Precision timing at the 2015 Redeye.

You will need to pay the National Park Service entrance fee on the way out. We believe the fee is $20 for a car unless you have a NPS pass. If you didn’t pay on the way in, please stop at park headquarters to pay on the way out. Cash is no longer accepted, so you will want to either have your National Park Service pass, or pay with a debit or credit card before passing by the Visitors Center.

The swinging bridge across the Quantico Creek that marks the start and the finish of each loop

Parking can get tight. If you can’t find a place, look for someone who appears official to direct you. Don’t park illegally, please! Rangers WILL ticket you.

Bring a water bottle. We will not have drinking cups. Bring a water bottle to pour fluids in. This event was established before the invention of the hydration pack, and we believe in tradition!

Bring a map if you need it. PDF map of the park. You may also wish to download the gpx file, which can be found in the column on the left-side of this page. This is also meant to be a fun run, so find someone who knows the course to run with, as well. It is an easy loop to grasp after you have done it once or thrice.


Jim Moore in his Eric Clifton tights
Jim Moore in his Eric Clifton tights.

For its first 8 years, Team Slug, primarily Dan Grayson, Bill Sublett, and James Moore, put on the much-loved Redeye 50km on New Year’s Day. After a gap year in 2004, Team Slug passed the event on to Anstr Davidson and Gary Knipling, who led the race beginning in 2005. Eventually Anstr let Gary do all the work alone, and this continued through 2017. Gary then passed the reins of Redeye power on to Dave Woll, beginning with the run on New Year’s Day in 2018. Dave’s epic Red Eye run came to a close after the 2025 event, and he then recruited your current Red Eye director, Leigh Weil.

The essential nature of this event has remained the same over all these years. In the Team Slug days, the aid station was manned and there were creative, goofy finishers awards. The awards have returned thanks to Leigh, starting in 2024. Under Gary and then Dave, the course has changed on occasion, and the aid station at the start/finish is not officially manned other than by the RD; however, there is often a volunteer or three who sets up shop to help the runners, keep tabs on the food and drink tables, and even to offer up some hot food and drink to ward off the often chilly conditions. The aid continues to be supplied by the runners — remember that the tradition is to bring good, calorie-laden holiday leftovers to share!

See the sidebar for links to reports from all the Redeyes. In 2004 the Redeye was on hiatus. In 2019, the event was cancelled because of a US Government shut-down, and it was again cancelled in 2021 due to the pandemic.

Bill Sublett and Dan Grayson
Your former hosts — slugs Bill Sublett and Dan Grayson! Taken at the 2002 Redeye.

Last updated February 12, 2025

Club Event Participant Medical Policy

This is an event with very real risks to your well being. The VHTRC does not provide medical care for runners at this event. Runners are responsible for their own health, safety, and well being at this event. No doctors, nurses, or emergency medical technicians, or anyone with any medical training are available along the course, at any aid station, or at the finish. The club does not supply any medical goods or services, including bandages, splints, antiseptic, or Ibuprofen or any other drugs to maintain the health of runners. Physical, medical, and emergency care is the runners' responsibility. In case of an emergency, we will endeavor to get local emergency personnel to an injured runner as soon as possible. Since most of our events are in remote areas, medical care may be far away in distance or time. Each year, runners finish — or are forced to drop out — with scrapes, deep cuts, hematomas, dislocations, and sprains. Runners have experienced cuts, bruises, bee stings, and asthma attacks. This is an event with very real risks.