2010 Report

January 1, 2010  •  Quantico, VA

18 finishers

Gary Knipling gives the briefing.
Gary Knipling gives the briefing.

The craziness of the Redeye 50K that was started by Team Slug fourteen years ago in Prince William Forest Park continued into a new decade on January 1st, 2010. Some commuting runners got a glimpse of the lingering blue (full) moon driving to the late “sleep-in” 8:00 AM start. For the 60+ participants, the day improved for perhaps the best overall weather day in the past two weeks.

Johanna Lockner and Bob Phillips measured and marked the course for the 9.82 mile “Redeye Loop” that runners chose one two or three circuits. To guarantee a 50K distance, Bob led all runners on a preliminary unmarked two-mile network of trails before unleashing the gang onto the marked loop.

With everyone bringing random unassigned snacks and beverages, almost all cravings and thirsts were satisfied. The last of the three-loop runners finished about 4:00 PM with plenty of daylight to spare. Thanks to Vicki Kendall and Linda Wack for helping with cleanup and sorting through unopened aid that will subsidize upcoming VHTRC training runs and events.

Considering the lack of chip times, the variation of loop choices, and each runner’s unique method of logging in times and distances, an attempt is being made to provide results. None of our accountant brethren were consulted for validation. I apologize if I missed your name on the list (Eric, I gotcha this year!) or if I really botched up your running time. Thanks to all those for coming out to start the new year the best way I can imagine – running with friends on some good trails.

Hopefully Redeye XV will be a happening event in 2011.

Happy Trails,

Gary Knipling

Someone is eager!
Someone is eager!


Anstr’s photos on Flickr.

Crossing the bridge
Crossing the bridge.


3 loops (50 km)Brad Hinton5:08
 Jack Kurisky5:31
 Jeff Holdaway5:32
 Jim Hodges6:10
 Stephanie Wilson6:12
 Ted Bielawa6:12
 Paul Ammann6:17
 Bruce Tweedie6:25
 Elliott Lau6:35
 David Snipes6:35
 Melissa Upchurch6:37
 David Gaudette6:47
 Phil Rice7:05
 Farouk Elkassed7:16
 Linda Gaudette7:16
 Vicki Kendall7:16
 Holly Franz8:10
 Johanna Lockner8:10
2 loops (22 miles)Harland Peele3:25
 Joanne Fenninger3:30
 Alex Hall3:45
 Steve Core3:49
 Sean Andrish3:50
 Ragan Petrie3:55
 Mike Campbell3:59
 Ryan Fulwider3:59
 Bob Hagan4:14
 Darin Dunham4:19
 Prasad Gerard4:21
 Brian McNeill4:25
 Emily Grossman4:43
 Linda Wack4:50
 Kevin O’Connor4:50
 Barry Kreisa4:50
 “Bull” Fleming5:10
 Peter Norris5:10
 Chris Holdaway5:13
 Dennis Riggins5:19
 Kate Abbott5:28
 Anstr Davidson5:32
 Quatro Hubbard5:32
 James Moore5:32
 Lucia Davidson5:32
 Caroline Williams5:34
 Ed Demoney6:14
 Gary Knipling6:14
1 loop (12 miles)Cam Holdaway2:08
 Dave Yeakel2:11
 Mary Pat Mabeus2:15
 Bill Rysanek2:25
 Paul Sherlock2:25
 Eric McGlinchey2:26
 Steve Mabeus2:30
 Mark Prescott2:30
 Mark Shaughnessy2:36
 Charlie Miracle2:39
 Tamara Smith2:39
 Nathan Dunham2:39
 Keith Hosman2:39
 Tom Corris2:39
 Ed Cacciapaglia2:41
 Jen Page2:43
 Maria Bertacchi2:50
 Ted Lapkoff2:55
 Sharon Lapkoff2:55
 Joerg Ebert3:00
 Mary Campbell3:00
 Keith Kniplinghamstring

Gary did these results. Take up any issue with him. When you do, remember this was a Slug/Fat Ass “event” and if you cared about your results, you were in the wrong place.

Last updated December 16, 2019