Panoramic view from Loudon Heights at the end of the 2015 QSQB.
Keith Knipling
Quad State Quad Buster
One run. One trail. Four states.
- Date
- Sat Oct 18, 2025
- Meeting location
- Meeting time
- 5:45 am
- Start location
- Start time
- 7:00 am
- Distance
- 44.8 miles
- Total ascent / descent
- 7,500 / 8,500 feet
- Aid stations
- Wolfsville Road (9.7 miles)
- Rt 70 / Rt 40 (18.3 miles)
- Rt 40 alt (23.3 miles)
- Crampton Gap (30.5 miles)
- Weverton (37.0 miles)
Read this entire page before entering.

Entry opens the second Monday in September for VHTRC members only and per qualifications/experience listed below. Keep reading for entry info.

If I don’t know you or you don’t have some sort of verifiable resume/CV on or, this run just isn’t going to be a good fit for you this year I need to know/understand the ultra/trail experience/history of everyone toeing the line at QSQB. But, we could always use more volunteers which could allow you to get a run in on the trail on your own outside your volunteer slot. Email me if you have any questions about these requirements. Participants will also be limited based on the number of volunteers I can get to commit for that day. Runners who have significant others or friends that can drive and therefore shuttle other runners will get entry priority. Runners who have finished in previous years also get priority. Having said that, we’ve never had to turn away someone due to capacity.
The run
The concept is simple. The run itself certainly is not: Start in PA, just north of the MD line, and run south in four states along, except for the end, the Appalachian Trail (PA→MD→WVa→VA). Total distance is just shy of 45 miles and will seem longer than it is. Your time/effort will be similar to that of a tough 50 miler.
This is not a beginner level run. Re-read that first sentence again, it’s important and can’t be understated. Experience running on tough trails for 50+ miles is required.
The run is very much old school in its philosophy and approach. If you don’t have the mindset and mentality of being by yourself on the trail for extended periods, solving your own problems, reading/following a map, figuring out how to self-extract if needed, etc, then you’re not going to do well here.
This is a run with risks and runners are responsible for their own health, safety and well-being (read the VHTRC Medical Policy below). As is almost always the case, you are your own best advocate: a full charged cell phone, a map and awareness of where you are currently will go a long way!
This is a training run, not an event. There is no entry fee. We will support you and keep track of you in the name of safety but there is no keeping score; just friends supporting friends enjoying some trails and the outdoors. In other words, don’t look for “results” to be posted after - there will not be any.

Drop bags
You will be allowed one reasonable sized drop bag labeled with your name that you will see twice: at Aid Station #2 and again at #5. BAGS only, no boxes, hard shell luggage or anything else solid, they just don’t pack well and quite frankly are a burden to the volunteers as well as just an overall PITA to deal with. Drop bags should also not be trash bags. Trash goes in trash bags and I’m easily confused. Don’t risk it. There will be aid at four locations, plus self serve water at one (see below). You will also be assigned an item(s) to bring to contribute to the community aid.
It’s the AT It’s blazed white. How hard could it be to follow?

That notwithstanding, PATC Map 5-6 (that’s only one piece of paper) is required gear. The last couple of miles leave the AT and are on a blue-blazed side trail. This map is available from the PATC store. Don’t wait to try and get this last minute since it usually has to be ordered/shipped. REI may have it in stock.

A working cell phone with a fully charged battery is also required gear. When you register, list your cell phone number - you may need to contact me or I may need to contact you during the event. Listing your home number doesn’t help anyone. Not listing a number means NO ENTRY
You will also need a light in your drop bag — except for the very fast, many will finish in the dark. Be prepared.

We will try our best to support everyone on this run. However, be prepared — mentally, physically and with your gear. If you are fast, you could very well out-run the aid and/or your drop bag. Ask Keith Knipling. Ask Sean Andrish when he set the course record. If you are moving slow, having a bad day and/or get lost, you may arrive at an aid location to find the station has already packed up and moved forward. Ask Joe Hanle. None of these guys whined about their situations. If you find yourself as an outlier at either of these ends, be prepared to solve your own problems. A working phone and an extra layer (if it’s cold/rainy) can go a long way here.
In the morning, we will meet at the Weverton parking lot. We will then cram as many people into as few cars as possible and shuttle everyone to the start at Pen Mar. Get to the Weverton parking lot by 5:45 a.m. at the latest, as we will be leaving at 6 a.m. sharp and shoot for an 7 a.m. start — the days are getting shorter and we will want to maximize the amount of usable daylight available.

If you questions about the run or would like to volunteer, contact Bur. Please put QSQB in the subject line.
We can’t do this run without volunteers. We could use help with the following:
Transport to start: Need min 3 (maybe more if there are more runners?) larger sized vehicles are best but hey, we’ll take whatever we can get! (Approximate time needed - 5am-8am) May need more or less depending on field size and sizes of vehicles available.
AS #1 and #3: Need min 1 person, 2 is better (8:30am-3pm) Will work aid station #1 and then pack up and move and oversee aid station #3.
AS #2 and #5: Need min 1 person, 2 is better (10am-6pm) Will work aid station #2 and then pack up and move and oversee aid station #5.
Finish: Need min 1, 2 is better (3pm-9pm); will provide general help and shuttle finishers from the finish back to the Weverton lot.
The above is an ideal breakdown of the work but may not suit your schedule/plans — no worry, any help at all would be appreciated, just let me know.
If you can help, contact Bur. Contact info above.

Last updated November 30, 2024
Club Event Participant Medical Policy
This is an event with very real risks to your well being. The VHTRC does not provide medical care for runners at this event. Runners are responsible for their own health, safety, and well being at this event. No doctors, nurses, or emergency medical technicians, or anyone with any medical training are available along the course, at any aid station, or at the finish. The club does not supply any medical goods or services, including bandages, splints, antiseptic, or Ibuprofen or any other drugs to maintain the health of runners. Physical, medical, and emergency care is the runners' responsibility. In case of an emergency, we will endeavor to get local emergency personnel to an injured runner as soon as possible. Since most of our events are in remote areas, medical care may be far away in distance or time. Each year, runners finish — or are forced to drop out — with scrapes, deep cuts, hematomas, dislocations, and sprains. Runners have experienced cuts, bruises, bee stings, and asthma attacks. This is an event with very real risks.