Decorations from the 2014 Awards party.
Keith Knipling
Awards Party
A party for all VHTRC members, to announce and honor the winners of the VHTRC awards for the previous calendar year.

It’s time again for the annual VHTRC Awards Party!
The reception will be an excuse to socialize and to give out the VHTRC awards for running and supporting accomplishments during the calendar year of 2024. This gathering is more about fun than awards. Think “party” not “Academy Awards.”
All VHTRC members and their significant others are invited to the party. So we can plan, please RSVP using the link at the bottom of this page.
See the sidebar for links to reports from previous parties. For reports prior to 2009, see the archives.
Before 2007, the awards were given out at the club’s summer Volunteer’s Party. In 2007, the Awards Party was moved to April and recognized achievements from the calendar year prior. Since 2008 the Awards Party has generally been held on the first weekend in February.
Club Event Participant Medical Policy
This is an event with very real risks to your well being. The VHTRC does not provide medical care for runners at this event. Runners are responsible for their own health, safety, and well being at this event. No doctors, nurses, or emergency medical technicians, or anyone with any medical training are available along the course, at any aid station, or at the finish. The club does not supply any medical goods or services, including bandages, splints, antiseptic, or Ibuprofen or any other drugs to maintain the health of runners. Physical, medical, and emergency care is the runners' responsibility. In case of an emergency, we will endeavor to get local emergency personnel to an injured runner as soon as possible. Since most of our events are in remote areas, medical care may be far away in distance or time. Each year, runners finish — or are forced to drop out — with scrapes, deep cuts, hematomas, dislocations, and sprains. Runners have experienced cuts, bruises, bee stings, and asthma attacks. This is an event with very real risks.