Entry is open
Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp, the start/finish of the MMT 100, flanked by the East and West ridges of the Massanuttens.
Keith Knipling
Pacer Instructions
Here are the rules the runner and the pacer are expected to follow.
**Since 2021, and exception to our pacing rule applies to runners 62 years of age or older, who are allowed Pacers beginning at Elizabeth Furnace (33.3 miles).
Runners may have a pacer join them at the Camp Roosevelt aid station (63.5 miles) or at any aid station beyond that point where crew access is allowed. Also, you may pick up a pacer at the Habron Gap aid station (54 miles) after 6 p.m. Saturday. Most food items at the aid stations will be available to pacers but some may be reserved for registered runners. We do not have means to give transportation to pacers or drive their cars anywhere.
- A pacer may join a runner at anytime at the Camp Roosevelt aid station (63.5 miles) or any aid station beyond that point where crew access is allowed. They may join a runner after 6 p.m. on Saturday at the Habron Gap aid station (54 miles).
- Pacers may only join a runner at an aid station.
- A runner may only have one pacer at a time.
- The pacer and runner must remain together at all times — that is, the pacer cannot come into an aid station ahead of the runner in order to fill up water bottles and grab food, etc. in order to save the runner time at the station.
- The pacer is a companion not a leader. That is, (and we know this one is hard to enforce, so we hope that you do the honorable thing) the runner is supposed to “lead” and find and follow the course on his own.
- The pacer is not a “mule.” That is, the pacer is not supposed to carry the runner’s water bottles, food, gels, etc.
Last updated June 2, 2023