Group shot before the 2018 MGM.
Quatro Hubbard
Elfin Magic at the MGM
by John Calabrese
This year I was really looking forward to MGM. It started at JFK 50’s “Miracle on 34th Street” aid station. I really enjoy dressing up for MGM and just having fun. I’ve run MGM 3 times and I’ve never pushed it out on the course. I instead look at the experience as a time to relax from the year, reflect, and plan the new year! This course is pretty much a dream because it’s just a big out-and-back which accommodates everyone’s mileage needs!

Race Morning
I was very sleepy. This was a busy week and Denise and I somehow got out of the house and were able to get some coffee. We made it to the race on time and we were greeted by Bob Gaylord, just firing off pleasantries at me! He was in his element directing parking. Denise and I got ready in the car then headed up to the lodge area. We saw so many friends and hilarious Christmas clothes!! It was so much fun. I didn’t even want to run, I just wanted to hang out!
Bob and the amazing Quatro Hubbard sent us off on our holly jolly way like the rag tag pack of elves we were dressed to resemble. I was hanging with Rob Tidwell in the beginning. Rob and I formed a partnership to finish Massanutten’s Revenge next year! We talked about getting Tony Taylor to come with us (he has agreed). I am very excited about this!!

Settling In
Denise was nowhere to be seen and I was looking for someone going a comfortable pace and I found Ted Bielawa. We talked a lot about football.
Aid Station 1
I ate some delicious peppermint bark and churro donut bites, which were incredible! Zach Weinberger was there to push his delicious aid station hits on the masses of happy holiday runners who totaled near 100 strong.
Gliding Over It All
In addition to a lot of venting about the Commanders, discussing how the Bills climbed out of the darkness and a lot of other football talk, Ted and I talked about races. We talked a lot about Eastern States and compared it to MMT. We discussed MMTR, Hellgate, Devil Dog and a lot of other races. This was really nice, it felt good just to think about races and discuss everything because I really am questioning my race schedule next year. It’s also really nice to do this on a long run with knowledgeable friends.

Aid Station 2
The nice volunteers were great here, too. I ate a delicious turkey sandwich and some chips and had a coke! Amazing stuff here.
Goodbye Ted
Ted and I got a little over a mile or so from the aid station when he reported that he tweaked something so he was going to have to turn back. I was bummed but grateful to spend some miles. Thanks, Ted!
Hello Robert!
I was alone for awhile until about mid Do Loop when I met Robert Grolemund. We talked a lot about sports, youth sports, races and just a lot of interesting topics to conquer the Do. Robert and I ran a long time together until about a mile from the aid station after the bridge.
Finish It!!

I just wanted to be done at this point. I wasn’t going super fast but I definitely was going faster just to get done. I ran alone pretty much on this stretch. If I saw anyone or someone passed me, I talked some and went on, but it was extremely pleasant. I’m starting to really get annoyed by people who “on your left” you. At least say something! I really enjoy VHTRC events because I feel like everyone takes the time to talk even if they intend on dropping you.
I ran (walked) up the big hill at the end, then ran into the lodge, and checked in with Q. I went to go change and Denise, who had been waiting for me, said she would grab me some food while I changed. While I was changing I heard a hilarious/terrifying story Christian Stanton was telling of mistaken identity. I’m not going to go into specifics but it was damn funny!
A Perfect Race
MGM is up there on my favorite race list. It’s so relaxing and everyone is so cool out there. Let’s face it, this time of the year is rough, it’s stressed and it’s busy. MGM is the medicine for all that ails you. A great way to think about the year and moving forward.
Thank you VHTRC 💙
Last updated December 11, 2023