Finish line in 2022
Keith Knipling
2007 Report
15th Running
VHTRC Women’s Half Marathon Trail Run
Fairfax Station, VA
Saturday, September 8, 2007
193 starters, 187 finishers
97% finishing rate

A polygon with fifteen (15) sides is known as a 15-gon. What is a race with 15 editions called? The answer is the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club (VHTRC) Women’s Half-Marathon Trail Run. There is an anonymous quotation that reads “More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin.” 193 women had the courage to begin the run at Fountainhead Regional Park.

Kristin Eddy, the winner, created a current all her own and completed the course in 1:43:50. Michele Harmon finished second in 1:47:23; Deb Kamzol came in third in 1:50:49. They received $50 gift certificates from Metro Run & Walk for their performances. The first, second, and third-place winners in the various age categories received $25 or $15 gift certificates from Metro Run & Walk or a single-bottle waist pack. In honor of our 15th anniversary, every finisher received a box of candy to celebrate her sweet, personal victory of crossing the finish line.

There were only two mother-daughter teams that finished this year. Lois Emery and Kari Brown finished first in a combined time of 5:20:32. Robin and Heather Shumaker came in second in a combined time of 6:38:22. They received specially-inscribed jewelry boxes. Also, random runners received various stuffed animals at the last aid station to carry to the finish line and redeem for “trash or treasure.”

The volunteers were great as always. They generously donated their time and efforts to do whatever had to be done to make the run as great as it was. Our post-race menu, which included pizza, various sweets, watermelon, etc., again proved very popular.
I would like to thank all the volunteers for their commitment, service, and time. Without them, the run would not be possible. I also would like to thank the Northern Regional Park Authority for its support, along with Metro Run & Walk.
Visit the electronic gallery of pictures on this site. Stay tuned for more information about next year’s run. Keep kicking up your heels!
Happy Trails,

Reports Elsewhere: Sophie Speidel's blog entry.
Last updated December 16, 2019