Finish line in 2022
Keith Knipling
1998 Report

Lindsey Mohle, 33, won the Sixth Annual RRCA Women’s Distance Festival Half Marathon Trial run held Saturday, September 12, on the trails of Fountainhead Regional Park near Clifton, Virginia. It was the second time Mohle has finished among the top three. Her sister Hope Hall, 31, finished second followed by Megan Ratermann, 29, who won the race in 1996.
Ratermann led the race just ahead of Mohle and Hope for the first half, but a recent move from Montanna to Annapolis, Maryland left her unacclimated to the high heat and humidity race day. At the second aid station, the three friends paused and Ratermann let Mohle and Hall begin the second half of the race in front. The sisters maintained their lead for the remainder of the race finishing 2:01:55 and 2:02:01 respectively.

A total of 63 runners followed the double out and back course on the park trails. The course is consistently hilly throughout, and the footing often a challenge for first-time trail runners. Jean Arthur, won an award for the second year in a row for taking the most falls on the course—three this year. However, first time trail runner, Peggy Grenter, who placed first in women 20-29, was enthusiastic after the race stating that this was “the most fun” she’d had running and she would definitely be looking for other opportunities to participate in the sport. Her enthusiasm was shared by other participants who put this race on their annual running calendar.
The sixth running of the women’s half marathon was very competitive. Katlin Eddy, 30, dropped from 3rd overall last year to 7th this year while bettering her time by 30 seconds and taking first in the women’s 30-39 age group at 2:08:15. Marcia Peters, 42, placed 1st in the women’s 40-49 age group finishing 2:35:00, one second ahead of Lynn Morrow, 51, winner of the women’s 50-59 age group.
Mohle and Hall were not the only sisters in the race. Three-time veteran Jean Litchenburger ran the course with her sister Janice Hoag to place second and third respectively in the women’s 40-49 age group.
In the Men’s category (no age groups, no good prizes) Patrick Koeppl, 31, was first at 2:15:55, followed by Curt Meadow, 30, 2:46: 48, and Don Boyle, 36, 3:01:42.
The half-marathon trail run is held each year the second Saturday in September. The purpose of this race is to encourage women to participate in trail running. Many trail runs involve much longer distances so this race represents a low-key opportunity to gain some experience. It also provides great food and drink, good company, unique prizes and great long-sleeved t-shirts to all participants. Each year the t-shirt includes a quotation by a woman. This year’s quotation was “no guts, no glory”—Bette Davis.
The race is part of the Women’s Distance Festival series sponsored by Road Runners Club of America, Runners World, and Moving Comfort. Special thanks go to Lea Gallardo of Fleet Feet Virginia who provided gift certificates for age group winners and random prizes, and to the Fountainhead Regional Park Authority for allowing us to hold the race on its well-maintained trails each year.
This race cannot happen without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Many of them return year after year. Thank you Phil Young, Joe Clapper, Scott Mills, Ed Demoney, Randy Snyder, Marty Szekeresh, Gordon Smith (and the wonder dog Sheena), Robin Kane, Michelle McCloud, and Larry De Hof. These folks man aid stations, mark trails, record splits, stock food and water, keep track of finishers, hand out t-shirts and generally distribute large amounts of good cheer, and encouragement. We also appreciate the assistance of the “anonymous” volunteers we get each year. These are people who come with a runner, and then help us out as they wait to cheer their runner on.
We look forward to the Seventh Annual Half-Marathon tenatively planned for Saturday, September 11, 1999.
Last updated December 16, 2019