Club Information

Ideas Wanted for New MMT Logo

We need a logo to use on the MMT web site, on shirts, awards, other items affiliated with the race, and possibly on a banner. Historically our various logo designs have come from within the club. Continuing with that tradition, we are seeking input from club members for a new MMT logo.

At this point, we are not looking for a finished design.We are seeking only a rough back-of-the-envelope sketch of your logo concept. One or two submitted concepts will be chosen, and we will then work with the designers of those concepts to come up with a finished logo for MMT.

Release your inner creative genius and show us what you can come up with. We will be accepting design concept sketches until February 1. E-mail submissions to club president Alan Gowen. At this point, please use a simple, low-definition format like jpeg, tiff, or pdf. Alan will copy your submission to MMT RD Kevin Sayers and the rest of the VHTRC Board.