Tom McNulty

A New Benchmark on the BROT

Yesterday, Ed Cacciapaglia’s friends and fellow club members installed a second bench in his memory. The bench is along Bull Run on the Bull Run Occoquan Trail near Hemlock Overlook. Ten club members — Dan Aghdam, Tom Corris, Quatro Hubbard, Russ Evans, Bob Gaylord, Gary Knipling, Tom McNulty, Cathy Roberts, Bruce Tweedie, and Dave Yeakel — assisted two NOVA Parks employees.

The group with the newly installed bench
The group with the newly installed bench.

The supplies were brought up from Bull Run Marina via pontoon boat, then a Jon boat, then by foot to a perfect spot overlooking the water. It promises to be surrounded by blue bells.

The location also marks a new benchmark for runners doing Bull Run Run or MGM, as it is exactly one mile from the finish of those events.


