Exploring along Dead Run, the last stream crossing before reaching the Beltway.
Keith Knipling
2020 Report
November 30, 2020 • Washington, DC
10 finishers
In The Year of Our COVID 2020, the VHTRC is observing the Social Distancing required during a pandemic. Rather than hold the standard issue Potomac Heritage 50k, which customarily would start and finish at the home of PH 50k RD Tom McNulty, a “virtual” run was held, with the run date up to the individual runner, as long as she/he completed the run sometime during the month of November. There were 10 runners who took up the challenge and submitted the results of their run. They are detailed at the bottom of this page, and directly below is the page of instructions from which the runners worked. Thanks to all who participated in the November 2020 Virtual Potomac Heritage 50k! We look forward to a return to regular racing and socializing on the traditional First Sunday of November in 2021.

The course
See the route below. You can run it any direction you like, and you can start/finish anywhere along the route. The map shows some recommended places to park. We would recommend parking at Fletcher’s Cove or Battery Kemble, allowing you to return to your car mid-run to refuel. But you do you.
While how you do the route is flexible, the route itself is not. We recommend downloading the GPX file and studying it, perhaps uploading to your device. Or consult the embedded Google map on this page during your run.
Particularly tricky parts are navigating the Trolley Trail paralleling the C&O Canal between Fletcher’s Cove and Georgetown, the Chain Bridge Road crossing, and where you leave the PHT around Turkey Run.

Bonus time
In the spirit of Potomac Heritage, we have devised some shenanigans that will improve your time.
Spread the fat ass love

Time bonus: 30 seconds for each honk
Present a photo with you on Key Bridge holding a sign saying “HONK IF YOU LOVE FAT ASSES.” Submit this photo and the number of honks you got for a time bonus.
Wildlife selfie
Time bonus: 5 minutes
Get a photo with you and some wildlife for a 5 minute bonus. This could be a deer, a squirrel, or even a bird. Zoo animals and pets do not count.

Get your junk wet
Time bonus: 15 minutes
Present photo evidence of you up to your waist in water in any of the several stream crossings along the course. Getting your junk soaked in November may not feel great, but the 15 minute time bonus will warm your soul.

You’re a wreck
Time bonus: 5 minutes
Take a selfie with a wrecked car. There is one out on the course (see it before it is gone).
Show your VHTRC love

Time bonus: 10 minutes
Take a selfie with you in VHTRC gear — a shirt, hat, whatever. You’ll save yourself 10 minutes.
After you have finished your run, use the button below to email your run (either the GPX file or a link to Strava, Garmin Connect, or similar). [Editor’s note: Button is now removed, as the virtual run has been concluded.]
Also include your time-bonus shenanigans, including photos.
We will check that you ran the correct course and then add your run to the results below.

# | Name | Run time | Bonus time | Date Run | |
1 | Ellis Guzewich | 4:34:14 | 0:25:00 | 11/14/2020 | |
2 | Geoff Patterson | 6:17:32 | 0:10:00 | 11/29/2020 | |
3 | Ryan Brown | 6:59:09 | 0:05:00 | 11/21/2020 | |
4 | Paul Sherlock | 8:30:01 | 1:06:30 | 11/22/2020 | |
5 | Alice Burns | 8:30:01 | 0:31:30 | 11/22/2020 | |
6 | Sue Heineman | 8:56:58 | 0:45:00 | 11/23/2020 | |
7 | Garrett Christensen | 8:58:32 | 0:20:00 | 11/8/2020 | |
8 | Larry Huffman | 9:38:47 | 0:35:00 | 11/7/2020 | |
9 | Jeffrey Klemm | 9:55:00 | 0:00:00 | 11/22/2020 | |
10 | Treithy Knipahl | 10:48:34 | 0:45:00 | 11/30/2020 |
Last updated November 13, 2023