2024 Report
February 17, 2024 • Fort Valley, VA
29 starters, 28 finishers

MMT Training Academy Run #2 went down on Saturday Feb 17, 2024. We had a 2 hour delay due to a freak snow storm that came in around 11pm the night before. Fortunately, the temps held above freezing and less than an inch of snow fell….just enough to make for a beautiful dusting on the mountain.
Lots of runners opted out, but 29 brave souls ventured out for what amounted to a fun day on the eastern ridge of the Massanuttens. Lots of new faces and some VHTRC/MMT veterans. Even with the delayed start, all runners made it to the finish before dark, and no one got lost. A very successful Training Academy session!
Very special thanks to Kevin Bligan for coming all the way from PA to assist; Jeff Pence for providing his van shuttle service (couldn’t do this run without his generosity); Tony Taylor for providing van shuttle and working aid stations; Quincy Leech for providing aid at Habron; Charlene Howard for driving and aid station duty; and Brian and baby Carr for helping at aid stations.
Below is a listing of the times that it took each runner to finish their appointed rounds on this middle section of the Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 mile course on this winter’s day.
And here is our usual admonition regarding the “results” below… Bear in mind: this is not a “race.” No one treated this as a “race.” These should not be considered “race results.” The times are provided for informational purposes only. This can help others who pull the route from the event site and run the course self-supported, so that those runners can approximate times. It can assist those considering this training run in future years to estimate their own run times. And it is helpful for volunteers to see the range of times that runners take to cover certain sections - those in this particular circumstance, splits were not collected.
Name | Running Time |
Ugarte II | 6:06 |
Seidel | 6:10 |
Rasmussen | 6:11 |
Baylor | 6:12 |
Garmon | 6:24 |
Ingvoldstad | 6:26 |
Schaefer | 6:43 |
Hoebeeck | 6:46 |
Holder | 6:46 |
Paczkowski | 6:47 |
Schramka | 6:52 |
Murray | 7:09 |
Jimenez | 7:11 |
Martin | 7:13 |
Martinez | 7:31 |
Gonzalez-Meira | 7:31 |
Sheng | 7:42 |
Roque | 7:46 |
Rivera | 7:55 |
Miller | 8:25 |
Correa | 8:36 |
Carr | 8:40 |
Luu | 8:44 |
Peterson | 9:24 |
Turbe | 9:24 |
Hord | 9:24 |
Pence | 9:41 |
Cooley | 9:41 |
Weinberger | Dropped at Habron |
Below is a list of the entrants to Training Academy #2
Name | Age | Sex | Home |
Keavy Baylor | 27 | F | DC |
Ted Bielawa | 53 | M | VA |
Joshua Binder | 25 | M | WV |
Tom Calla | 49 | M | NY |
Jose Cardenas | 35 | M | VA |
Ashley Carr | 38 | F | MD |
David Cavey | 49 | M | VA |
Cheryl Chen | 60 | F | VA |
Tracy Cooley | 51 | F | VA |
Caleb Correa | 39 | M | VA |
Stephanie Dempsey | 47 | F | VA |
Nathan Duraisamy | 43 | M | MD |
Aaron Ellison | 47 | M | MD |
Tony Escobar | 60 | M | CO |
Eric Garmon | 36 | M | VA |
Greco Gonzalez Miera | 40 | M | DC |
Jamie Greenawalt | 55 | F | PA |
Magali Hoebeeck | 39 | F | MD |
Jeremy Holder | 52 | M | MD |
John Hord | 56 | M | MD |
Nicolas Ingvoldstad | 35 | M | VA |
Coy Jimenez | 24 | M | VA |
Amelia Kegan | 40 | F | MD |
Hompeng Komthirath | 49 | M | VA |
Tin Luu | 43 | M | VA |
Joshua Lyons | 29 | M | VA |
Sheila Martin | 42 | F | VA |
Sofia Martinez Amondarain | 27 | F | DC |
Theresa McBride | 49 | F | VA |
James Miller | 59 | M | VA |
Al Murray | 38 | M | VA |
Ben Nalette | 23 | M | VA |
Samantha Neakrase | 46 | F | VA |
Jack Nguyen | 41 | M | VA |
Juliana Nicolini | 28 | F | VA |
Patrick Paczkowski | 52 | M | VA |
Jeff Pence | 65 | M | VA |
Andy Peterson | 67 | M | VA |
Adam Rasmussen | 53 | M | VA |
Elizabeth Rivera | 36 | F | DC |
Meg Roque | 47 | F | VA |
Charles Salsgiver | 47 | M | MD |
Arun Sambandam | 54 | M | VA |
Marimuthusamy Sanarpudur Ramasamy | 43 | M | MD |
Nicholas Schaefer | 25 | M | VA |
Joe Schramka | 54 | M | DC |
Zachary Seidel | 35 | M | VA |
Huanyuan Sheng | 49 | M | VA |
Christian Stanton | 50 | M | VA |
Tony Taylor | 53 | M | VA |
Kathleen Tepas | 48 | F | VA |
Laura Turbe | 56 | F | MD |
Eduardo Ugarte II | 55 | M | VA |
Krishna Upadhyayula | 44 | M | VA |
Tonnie Warfield | 44 | F | MD |
Daisy Weill | 35 | F | DC |
Zach Weinberger | 36 | M | VA |
Last updated February 19, 2024