One of the crews before the 2022 trail work party.

Keith Knipling

Massanutten Trail Work Party

Come join us in sprucing up the MMT course for this year’s race.

  • Sat May 3, 2025
Start location
Start time
  • 8:00 am
Time commitment
  • 6 hours
  • Entry opens on Tuesday April 1, 2025 at 9:00 am.
One of the crews before the 2022 trail work party
One of the crews before the 2022 trail work party.

Come join us in sprucing up the MMT course for this year’s race. We will split into multiple teams and trim encroaching undergrowth and remove downed trees from various spots around the course.

If you know of trouble spots we should address please reach out to Dan.

If you are running MMT, this is a great way to burn off some excess energy during your taper. The good karma will also surely serve you well.

VHTRC trail work, old and new, on Short Mountain.

Last updated February 9, 2025

Club Event Participant Medical Policy

This is an event with very real risks to your well being. The VHTRC does not provide medical care for runners at this event. Runners are responsible for their own health, safety, and well being at this event. No doctors, nurses, or emergency medical technicians, or anyone with any medical training are available along the course, at any aid station, or at the finish. The club does not supply any medical goods or services, including bandages, splints, antiseptic, or Ibuprofen or any other drugs to maintain the health of runners. Physical, medical, and emergency care is the runners' responsibility. In case of an emergency, we will endeavor to get local emergency personnel to an injured runner as soon as possible. Since most of our events are in remote areas, medical care may be far away in distance or time. Each year, runners finish — or are forced to drop out — with scrapes, deep cuts, hematomas, dislocations, and sprains. Runners have experienced cuts, bruises, bee stings, and asthma attacks. This is an event with very real risks.