Heading south on the Appalachian Trail, at the top of the first climb.
Keith Knipling
The Fishhook
This run is a variant of the standard Dickey Ridge run. Instead of running out-and-back from the entrance to Skyline Drive in Front Royal, this run is a point-to-point, starting in Linden and finishing in Front Royal.
- Distance
- 22.3 miles
- Running time
- 3.5–7 hours
- Total ascent / descent
4,800 / 5,050 feet
220 / 230 feet/mile
4,800 / 5,050 feet
- Start/finish
- GPX file
- What to wear
This point-to-point run, the brainchild of Russ Evans, is a variant of the standard Dickey Ridge run. Instead of running out-and-back from the entrance to Skyline Drive in Front Royal, this run is a point-to-point, starting in Linden and finishing in Front Royal. Consequently, a short 9 mile car shuttle must be made on Route 55 between Front Royal and Linden. Aid can be dropped at the Route 522 road crossing, about 8 miles into the run.

Leave the Route 55 trailhead and head north on the white-blazed Appalachian Trail. At the blue-blazed Dickey Ridge Trail take a right and enjoy a nice runnable descent down to your car. If you reach Compton Gap you have missed the turn.
Last updated November 2, 2020
What you do is up to you, but you shouldn't rely on these directions alone; they are often not specific enough to navigate by, and may be incorrect or out of date. Review a map beforehand and carry it with you. Tell a friend where you are going and when you plan to return. Do not count on having cell phone service while on the run. The VHTRC is not responsible for your welfare on any of these runs. If you go on one of these runs and get lost, run out of water, get injured, mauled by a bear, or die, or if anything else goes wrong, it's your fault; not ours. You assume all risks here and the VHTRC assumes none at all. Legal issues aside, some of these runs are more remote than others and the VHTRC is not suggesting that you do any of these runs, unless you are prepared to accept full responsibility for yourself.