Finish line in 2022
Keith Knipling
2015 Report

We scored another beautiful — though hot — day for the 2015 running of the Women’s Half Marathon. Two hundred fifteen women toed the start line, and 203 finished. In addition to the runners who dropped out during the race, the trail took some other casualties — many women crossed the finish line with all kinds of scrapes and bumps. This entrants field had some bruisers!

Robin Watkins won the race in 1:43:21, besting fellow VHTRC member Holly Bugin, who’d led for much of the race but missed a turn near mile 9 and was eventually set straight by a pack of Boy Scouts. Holly lost her lead when she veered off course and fell back to as much as eighth place before surging to a second-place finish. Ann Stanley of Richmond took third, and the first VHTRC finisher was Sheila Vibert.
Eight teams of mothers and daughters ran this year, and everyone finished. The team of Anne and Rhea Weaver won with a combined time of 4:12:36. Anne also competed on two other teams with her daughters Erin and Sarah. And in an amazing, inspiring family affair, Jill Jacobs ran on teams with her mother and her daughters. That’s three generations in one family.

Volunteers turned out in full force to serenade the runners at the start line, pamper and/or heckle them at the aid stations, ply them with costumes to race in, kiss boo-boos on knees, offer smoothies, and generally save the day. As always, the support at the race was unparalleled. A huge thanks to our army of amazing volunteers!
Thanks for participating in another great Women’s Half Marathon. See you next year! Until then, happy trails…

Last updated December 16, 2019