Finish line in 2022

Keith Knipling

2008 Report

16th Running

VHTRC Women’s Half Marathon Trail Run

Fairfax Station, VA

Saturday, September 13, 2008

204 starters, 195 finishers

96% finishing rate


Winner Andrea Hack.

Andrea Hack, 39, from Alexandria, Virginia, held off Michele Harmon by 9 seconds to win the 2008 VHTRC Women’s Half Marathon Trail Run held in Fountainhead Regional Park. The weather was very warm and humid making for a tough day for many runners. Fortunately, the course is in the woods so that the runners only got direct sun as they crossed teh finish line.

New race director Mary Campbell put on a great event, following in the footsteps of her predecessors. Runners had pizza and refreshments as they tried to cool down in the shade.

At the finish: Michele Harmon (second overall), Amy Platt (third), and Challen Edwards with various children.

Results and photos are available now. Aaron Schwartzbard has uploaded his pictures which are of good quality and for which the “negatives” will be free. There is plenty of opportunity to relive the fun of the dirty, humitity, and mud!

Thanks to all runners and, of course, the many volunteers who made it all possible.

Last updated December 16, 2019