Group shot before the 2018 MGM.
Quatro Hubbard
2022 Report
December 10, 2022 • Clifton, VA
99 starters, 43 finishers

Results from the 2022 Magnus Gluteus Maximus 50k (ish) run, held on Saturday December 10th are posted below, as well as the link to an entertaining runner’s report submitted by Denise Freeman. Scroll down for the goods!
Congrats to all of our 99 participants for this year’s VHTRC Xmas run! But of particular note, a hearty “Well done!” goes out to Dan Fogg, who returned for a second go at the MGM course, and replicated his 2016 results exactly: Dan was first to the finish among the 50k runners, and his time was a tasty 4 hours and 37 minutes. And an equally hardy “Well done!” to the first woman to the finish, Kate Dettlebach.
Of the 98 runners who reported their time and distance covered at the finish, 42 ran the whole shebang, which various Garmin-like devices put at somewhere in the 29-31 mile range or so. In other words, 50k! The other 56 runners seemingly ran about 40 or so different distances. Likely many, if not all, of the runners in the 20-24 mile range ran to the second aid station near the trailhead to the Do Loop section of the course and then hustled directly back. The others reversed course sooner - the 10-12 milers are likely Marina aid station out-n-back runners.

This event begins the 30th year of the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club. The Ancients who created the club in the early 1990’s were represented at this year’s MGM by one of the handful of original Magnus Gluteus Maximus runners, Tim Stanley. Tim is one of the nicer people you could ever hope to encounter on the trails, and he has his own tradition, which he continues to uphold at every MGM and every Bull Run Run 50 mile run, which is to wear his signature purple running shirt.
Several other “of notes’ here:
A newcomer to our area, Tudor Novac, was celebrating his 34th birthday, and he picked MGM to do so in fine, ultrarunning style. Tudor was approaching the Popes Head Creek crossing and what is then the final big climb up a the yellow-blazed hill back to Hemlock from the blue-blazed Bull Run-Occoquan Trail, at the end of his 50k. But as he had just turned 34, he, of course, needed to run 34 miles. So over the concrete pillars in the creek he went, and the bonus miles were secured prior to his safe arrival back at the Cardinal shelter at Hemlock Overlook that serves as MGM HQ.
Josie Krughoff completed her first ever 25 kilometer run, dragging along her dogged mother, Tracy Cooley, and both being dragged along by the enthusiastic Freja Cooley, one of a handful of Canine-American participants in the run.

An even younger participant than Josie was Knute Knipling, who led his father, Keith, around a section of the course on MGM morning. Keith - resplendent in his seasonally-appropriate new green VHTRC club shirt - was fresh off his sixth straight finish the previous weekend at the Devil Dog 100 miler, where he is now the only DD Streaker, having completed all of the 100 milers held at that event.

There were a wonderful number of new runners out, which is fairly common at MGM, but this year seemed to be punctuated by so many who were making their introduction to the ultra distance at this event. All seemed to be delighted with their accomplishment and their experience on the MGM course. No doubt this joy was enhanced by the ease with which virtually all of the runners were able to navigate the often challenging Do Loop lollipop section at the far southern end of the course. Big kudos to VHTRC Trail Buddha Bob Gaylord, who not only marked those horse trail sections with blue ribbons, but also may have had a hand in leaf blowing (or possibly raking?) the trails to make it almost impossible to get off course.
With any luck, we will regather on the traditional second Saturday in December at Hemlock for the 31st annual MGM 50k. Mark your calendars to join us now! And plan to break out your seasonally-appropriate attire as well … .

Other reports
- What IS the Do Loop, by Denise Freeman
Place | Name | Sex | Time | Distance |
1 | Dan Fogg | M | 4:37 | 50 |
2 | Bruce Martin | M | 4:53:30 | 50 |
3 | Luke Evans | M | 4:55:20 | 50 |
4 | Matt Burke | M | 5:07:45 | 50 |
5 | Jeffrey Fairman | M | 5:15:26 | 50 |
6 | Kate Dettelbach | F | 5:33 | 50 |
7 | Andy Gingrich | M | 5:44:19 | 50 |
8 | Ali Mohammed | M | 5:56 | 50 |
9 | Aaron Shapiro | M | 6:00 | 50 |
10 | Justin Faul | M | 6:14 | 50 |
11 | Matthew Erb | M | 6:34 | 50 |
11 | Erika Fry | F | 6:34 | 50 |
13 | Gael Gregoire | M | 6:43 | 50 |
14 | Meg Roque | F | 6:52 | 50 |
15 | Anna Endrizzi | F | 7:00:26 | 50 |
16 | Tudor Novac | M | 7:03 | 50 |
17 | Amelia Kegan | F | 7:06:40 | 50 |
18 | Nathan Hosler | M | 7:07 | 50 |
19 | Jaret Seiberg | M | 7:11:32 | 50 |
20 | Jim Ashworth | M | 7:14:52 | 50 |
21 | Zach Edwards | M | 7:18 | 50 |
22 | Ali Everhart | F | 7:19 | 50 |
23 | Emma Dixon | F | 7:19:44 | 50 |
24 | Gaetano Calla | M | 7:35 | 50 |
25 | Wayne Kline | M | 7:35 | 50 |
26 | Scott Boggess | M | 7:41:36 | 50 |
27 | Trisch Aust | F | 7:52 | 50 |
28 | John Calabrese | M | 7:53 | 50 |
28 | Carol Cohen | F | 7:53 | 50 |
28 | Denise Freeman | F | 7:53 | 50 |
28 | Charlie Poffenberger | M | 7:53 | 50 |
32 | James Miller | M | 7:55 | 50 |
32 | Karen Wille | F | 7:55 | 50 |
34 | Alexander Schnoeller | M | 7:58 | 50 |
34 | Robert Grolemund | M | 7:58 | 50 |
36 | Tracey Thibodeau | F | 7:58:53 | 50 |
37 | Angie Huang | F | 8:09 | 50 |
38 | Genice Rill | F | 8:31 | 50 |
39 | Kelly Viands | F | 8:58 | 50 |
40 | Jeffrey Klemm | M | 9:12:00 | 50 |
41 | Randi Lombardozzi | F | 10:04 | 50 |
41 | Quinn McCann-Lattig | F | 10:04 | 50 |
41 | Shaojun Wen | M | 10:04 | 50 |
Alternate MGM Course | ||||
Tim Bugansky | M | 5:25:58 | 25 | |
Paul Aumayr | M | 6:00:18 | 25 | |
Jeremy Gray | M | 6:43:24 | 25 | |
Jared Byrd | M | 4:01 | 24 | |
Christina Wendel | F | 6:03 | 24 | |
Andrew Arbuckle | M | 6:15 | 24 | |
Jeff Reed | M | 6:33 | 24 | |
Bryan Zelley | M | 7:14:30 | 24 | |
May Tan | F | 7:25 | 24 | |
Dave Cavey | M | 4:18 | 20 | |
Matt Merz | M | 4:24:56 | 20 | |
Tom Simonds | M | 4:40 | 20 | |
Rachel Rosenblatt | F | 6:10 | 20 | |
Daisy Weill | F | 6:23 | 20 | |
Caroline Leean | F | 6:30 | 20 | |
Maureen Rohrs | F | 6:30 | 20 | |
Michael Campbell | M | 4:50 | 18 | |
Jana Bravo | F | 4:15 | 17.7 | |
Denise Coll | F | 4:35 | 17.5 | |
Sirisha Golla | F | 7:54 | 17.2 | |
Ramesh Golla | M | 7:54 | 17.2 | |
Rob Tidwell | M | 4:30 | 17 | |
Michael Conner | M | 4:43 | 25k | |
Tracy Cooley | F | 5:28:16 | 25k | |
Josephine Krughoff | F | 5:28:16 | 25k | |
Veronic Petrosian | F | 3:46 | 16.5 | |
Laura Chipkin | F | 3:45 | 16-ish | |
Patrick Vaughan | M | 3:37 | 16 | |
Larry Thibodeau | M | 4:23 | 16 | |
Laura Falsone | F | 5:04:26 | 15.25 | |
Addie Welch | F | 5:04:26 | 15.25 | |
John Grimes | M | 3:36 | 15.2 | |
Sarah Lugo | F | 3:36 | 15.2 | |
Karen Knight | F | 3:25 | 15 | |
Will Kuper | M | 2:28 | 14 | |
Eric Thornton | M | 2:43 | 14 | |
Kari Anderson | F | 4:05 | 14 | |
Kat Tepas | F | 4:05 | 14 | |
Shannon Andes | F | 4:05 | 14 | |
Elizabeth Wise | F | 4:05 | 14 | |
Scott Weinhold | M | 3:27 | 13.15 | |
Michael Jury | M | 8:27 | 13 | |
Ashley Carr | F | 3:10 | 12 | |
Brian Carr | M | 3:10 | 12 | |
Hompeng Komthirath | M | 3:12 | 12 | |
Brett Martin | M | 3:12 | 12 | |
Stephen Cooper | M | 3:02 | 11 | |
Stan Spence | M | 3:02 | 11 | |
Dan Aghdam | M | 3:10 | 11 | |
William Rohrs | M | 3:45 | 11 | |
Tim Stanley | M | 2:43 | 10 | |
Sheila Vibert | F | 3:12 | 10 | |
Ram Oruganti | M | 3:30 | 10 | |
Allison Holko | F | 1:55 | 8 | |
Josh Howe | M | 2:10 | 6.67 | |
Steve Gould | M | Unrecorded |
Last updated December 15, 2022