Group shot before the 2018 MGM.

Quatro Hubbard

2009 Report

December 12, 2009  •  Clifton, VA

Lost, but Happy, at the Magnus Gluteus Maximus 50km

Many happy, but confused runners enjoyed the annual VHTRC Magnus Gluteus Maximus 50km on December 12. The day dawned cold, but clear, reducing attendance but providing for great running. Thanks to Joe and Michele for their work on the event and to Gary Knipling and Bob Phillips for the second aid station.

Retuning to the event’s roots, the course was not marked. This led to adventures in the Do Loop. As runners were home-bound, we asked them, “Did you go the whole way?” “Yes.” “Did you see two cars in the Do Loop — the Ford Fairlane and the Nash Rambler?” [Ackward silence.]

Actually, more got lost going to the Do Loop than in the loop itself. About half a mile in from the park entrance road (where the second aid station was), there is a place where you are supposed to bear left, but a small revine goes straight. If you go straight, two bad things happen — you cut the course and you get turned around so you go back without doing the Do Loop. If you are watching for blazes, you will be ok, but it’s easy to mess up.

Photos by: Quatro Hubbard | Claire Chiamulera | Doug Sullivan | Bobby Gill | Conrad Fernandes | Flash from the Past (2001 version of event)

Last updated June 8, 2020