2023 Report
April 8, 2023 • Luray, VA
61 starters, 49 finishers

There was a bumper crop of bunnies who made their way out to the Massanutten’s over Easter Weekend, 2023 for some trail fun. 61 runners started the course on Saturday 8 April at 7 PM; 4 finished up before midnight, and another 45 finished in the wee dark hours of Easter Sunday, 9 April.
Those who went for 17 miles took the shortcut back through the Picnic Area from the Visitor’s Center, thus avoiding the Bird Knob/Ant Road/Purple Trail/Browns Hollow Trail section that normally follows. 15 miles indicates stopping at the Visitor’s Center aid and getting a ride. Thanks to all who came to run and to help on this chilly, but otherwise ideal night for some wonderful mountain training! See below for the times that folks concluded their runs.

Other reports
- Chocolate Bunny Run 2023, by Jamie Greenawalt
- Riding That Freaky Crisman Hollow Road, by John Calabrese
And here is our usual admonition regarding the “results” below… Bear in mind: this is not a race. No one treated this as a race. These should not be considered “race results.” The times are provided for informational purposes only. This can help others who pull the route from the event site and run the course self-supported, so that those runners can approximate times. It can assist those considering this training run in future years to estimate their own run times. And it is helpful for volunteers to see the range of times that runners take to cover certain sections.
Name | Finish |
Paul Jacobs | 4:22 |
Dan Fogg | 4:25 |
Adam Watkins | 4:36 |
Barret Stanton | 4:56 |
Mordy Osina | 5:29 |
Stewart Jollymore | 5:42 |
Heather Dougherty | 5:46 |
Anthony Wolosik | 5:46 |
Rip Cantelmi | 5:55 |
Kevin Walker | 5:55 |
Scott Lee | 6:22 |
Jana Fridrichova | 6:25 |
Christopher Flint | 6:32 |
Llewelyn Engel | 6:37 |
Elizabeth Rivera | 6:45 |
Barry Hauptman | 6:46 |
Barushi Amarasinghe | 6:50 |
Lu Sun | 6:50 |
James Wilson | 6:56 |
Amy Stulman | 6:57 |
Tonnie Warfield | 6:57 |
James Haas | 6:59 |
Zachary Seidel | 6:59 |
Claudia Guerrero Barrera | 7:03 |
Jeff Pence | 7:14 |
Ryan Garber | 7:15 |
Rebecca Convery | 7:20 |
James Miller | 7:20 |
Paul Aumayr | 7:25 |
Huanyuan Sheng | 7:25 |
Sam Coyner | 7:27 |
John Calabrese | 7:43 |
Rob Tidwell | 7:43 |
Robert Perry | 7:45 |
Costi Sifri | 7:45 |
Jakob Deren | 7:49 |
Jamie Greenawalt | 7:49 |
Jimm Ouellette | 7:49 |
Charlie Poffenberger | 7:49 |
Michelle Rindos | 7:49 |
Angela Huang | 8:05 |
Amanda Lichy | 8:21 |
Tin Luu | 8:21 |
Karen Wille | 8:24 |
Joseph Nah | 8:26 |
Fitzgerald Brown | 9:05 |
Stuart Brown | 9:05 |
Shae Dempsey | 9:05 |
Stephanie Dempsey | 9:05 |
Carl Bligan | 17 Miles |
Daryl Brubaker | 17 Miles |
Nick Drozdiak | 17 Miles |
Joanna Friesen | 17 Miles |
John Hord | 17 Miles |
Charlene Howard | 17 Miles |
Blaine Kuiper | 17 miles |
David Landis | 17 miles |
Samantha Neakrase | 17 Miles |
Sean Stanford | 17 miles |
Hompeng Komthirath | 17miles |
Chelsea Smith | 15 miles |
Last updated April 11, 2023