Laurel Hill

  • 10.3 miles
Running time
  • 2–3 hours
Total ascent/descent
  • 400 feet
    40 feet/mile
GPX file
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What to wear

Laurel Hill is one of the newest trail systems in the region. Once the site of the Lorton Prison, this property is now maintained by The Fairfax County Park Authority. The mountain bicycling club MORE (The Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts) has built about 10 miles of singletrack trails, that criss-cross open fields and woods among the original guard towers, prison buildings, old inmate work farms, utility buildings, and other remnants of a once large correctional facility. These trails connect in several places with the 41-mile long Fairfax County Cross County Trail (CCT).

The route shown here covers most of the trails in Laurel Hill. It’s confusing. Print out the map and just explore.


From the parking lot the take the 1.7 mile long Giles Run Meadow Trail until you reach the Fairfax County Cross County Trail (CCT) and take a left. Pass under Furnace Road through a neat brick tunnel and cross Lorton Road. Soon thereafter, pick up the Workhouse Trail on the left.

From here there are a number of different loops which are run clockwise. Keep left on the Workhouse Trail to the Pasture Loop. Cross the road and do the 1.8 mile Apple Orchard Loop. Return to the Pasture Loop and continue around clockwise to the 0.6 mile Power Station Loop. Continue again around the Pasture Loop to the Dairy Barn Loop, hooking back up with the Workhouse Trail over to the Slaughterhouse Loop before taking Workhouse Trail back to the CCT and back to the Giles Run Meadow Trail and your car.


Last updated June 16, 2020

What you do is up to you, but you shouldn't rely on these directions alone; they are often not specific enough to navigate by, and may be incorrect or out of date. Review a map beforehand and carry it with you. Tell a friend where you are going and when you plan to return. Do not count on having cell phone service while on the run. The VHTRC is not responsible for your welfare on any of these runs. If you go on one of these runs and get lost, run out of water, get injured, mauled by a bear, or die, or if anything else goes wrong, it's your fault; not ours. You assume all risks here and the VHTRC assumes none at all. Legal issues aside, some of these runs are more remote than others and the VHTRC is not suggesting that you do any of these runs, unless you are prepared to accept full responsibility for yourself.