VHTRC Membership Roster from 1993
Chris and I think that below is the first membership roster of the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club. The club was formed in late 1992 in order to put on the Bull Run Run. By the time of after the first Bull Run Run, April 1993, the Women’s Half Marathon had also been planned. Renee Butler, one of the two female members among the initial crew, was the first RD of the WHM.
The other female member was Betty Sue. She really started it all. She kept telling us about this trail that left from Fountainhead Regional Park. We finally went out there, met Warren Doyle who managed Hemlock, and the rest was history.
The club was not formed to be a “running club.” We were a small group. We needed no structure to go running in the woods. It was Chris who first said, “We can do other things with this club.” I thought he was crazy.
Dues were $10. Some folks are not marked as having paid dues. They had paid in other ways. (Most of us back then had a Mad Bomber “second” in our collection of headgear. Thus, Brent’s membership.)
I have more of this. Like the first “newsletter” and the original bylaws. (Those bylaws are a story in themselves.) There may be another post like this soon!
The street addresses below are blacked out. Most are no longer good. Innocent people live at these addresses now. They should not be harassed!