New Club SWAG
New club T-shirts have arrived! They are Patagonia Cap Cool Daily and cost $35. For those of you who have worn the earlier versions of the Cool Daily Patagucci shirts, these are lighter weight, and have a slightly looser feel to them. They should be ideal for running in the heat of the mid-Atlantic summer, and very comfortable for casual wear on any occasion.
Note: New this go-round are a small handful of extra extra small shirts for women, and extra small shirts for men.
The Swag Wagon is slated to be at the following events in the coming weeks for your shopping pleasure:
The VHTRC’s Turkey Chase on Thanksgiving morning (November 24)
Vicki’s Death March on Black Friday (November 25)
Devil Dog 100s (December 2-3)
The Magnus Gluteus Maximus 50k (December 10)
The Red Eye 50k on New Year’s Day (January 1, of course)
For more details, see the Swag page, including the inventory numbers at the bottom of the page.