Rob Colenso

Frazier claims victory at Odyssey 40-miler

A handful of VHTRC’ers headed down to Virginia’s Douthat State Park near Millboro, braving one of this mild summer’s hottest and most humid days for the [Odyssey Trail Running Rampage]( _Running_Rampage_2014.shtml) 40-miler. David Frazier claimed top honors among male 40-milers, finishing in just over 6 hours.

Among the other Happy Trails finishers at the Sept. 6 race were Rob Colenso, Denise Coll, Bob Gaylord and Cherry Grassi in the 40-mile event; Becca Weast was the second-place woman finisher at the marathon distance, and Joyce Fendley claimed a solid 26.2-mile finish as well.

This low-key race has built a reputation as a solid tune-up for the Mountain Masochist Trail Run 50-miler later in the fall season, offering a total of 8,100 feet of elevation gain over three, 13(ish) mile loops. The majority of that gain comes in the first four miles of each loop, with some corresponding sweet, sweet downhill as a reward for the tough climb.

Along with the ultra and marathon distances, race organizers also offer a half-marathon and six-mile race as part of the event; 41 people competed in the 40-mile distance this year. Results are available here.