…And Old Dominion Today
The 2014 edition of the Old Dominion 100 Miler was held over the weekend of June 7-8. The weather conditions were unusually benign for the race, which historically heralds the arrival of the first serious heat wave of the summer.

Keith Knipling was the first VHTRC finisher, and second to the overall winner, Olivier Leblond. Olivier has now won OD two out of the last three years. Keith completed the 100.2 mile course on Saturday, finishing shortly before midnight in a time of 19:37 (the race started at 4 AM).
The women’s race was exciting this year. Megan Stegemiller ran steadily and repeated as the women’s champ (and 9th overall), knocking 2 hours and 35 minutes off of her previous year’s time, finishing in 20:56. Megan overtook the leader at the last aid station, with less than 3 miles to go in the race.
Several other VHTRC members were also in the starting field of roughly 60 runners. And this year, VHTRC members made a decided impact on the race’s aid stations as volunteers.
Final results for the 2014 race will eventually be posted on the OD website.